
That phrase randomly pops up in my head every few weeks or so. Then I always think of the good times before ABC cancelled Happy Endings. Especially since they substituted HE with such amazing ratings-garnering shows.

Don't you forget Spring Smackdown! Max was a bear there.

After that they lost Brad. But then they found him. He was also drooling and then had a laugh attack

It's something else if you book both for a new show. The X-Files, however, is Mulder AND Scully. And I'm pretty sure, the people (probably white dudes) looking at revenue projections knew pretty damn well that the whole thing would never make it into any sort of production without both of them signed on.

I'd argue you could say that if they were looking to produce a new show, then Duchovny is definitely the one with the bigger track record. However, to this particular show, both characters' presence is central and integral to the overall process. If any one of them hadn't signed on, the thing would not have gone to

To be fair, Californication was also quite successful (even though I loathed the one season I watched). However, this has nothing to do with the X-Files revival, since Fox desperately needed both of them to sign on in order to produce it. They're both equally necessary to the product.

And in a dramatic turn of events she disappears just as Darhk is about to kill Oliver and STABS HIM RIGHT IN THE FACE


Can I come too? I promise, I'll be cool

I came here to write that. I thought the episode was hilarious and Olyphant has such great capacity for comedy. Especially if you're used to the semi-pissed off arrogance of the coolest asshole in Kentucky, seeing Olyphant in a more emotionally open space. The he way he felt neglected by Claire and wanted to


thank GOD that this was good. Not perfect, but inherently good.

cue funky 80's bassline?

I honestly believe it's due to keeping movie theaters alive. I think people would be less inclined to get off their asses and go the the movies for a mere 85-90 minutes. Especially since TV serialization is pretty much the standard in quality TV nowadays, people are wondering if it's worth it to go and pay for

Ah, these best of lists. We all know that these lists obviously can't make any sense because they dare compare stuff that is so dissimilar, that even the idea of comparison is bonkers.
Yet, as we inevitably still have a look at these lists, the madness of subjective unjustice ensues.

I guess that's the point. The concept of permanently not granting him a return to earth and doing so off-screen, thus effectively providing no closure, is interesting and the melancholy in that provides a cathartic effect.

But the white girl has to be saved!

I watched The Godfather for the first time. Absolutely worth my while, I don't know why I ever put it off for so long.
Now I just gotta find some time for the sequels.

These kinds of articles start to be annoying as much as they find Braff annoying.
All the writers want to come off as having a balanced opinion by citing the successes of Braff's career, but do so in a kind of dickish way. How about just saying, that Scrubs was a good show - maybe not ingenious and not all the way

Thanks for the correction. That is weird, then and would require some kind of explanation.
Maybe the dark matter particles from the Earth-2 particle accelerator are different from those on Earth-1. I don't know, it's just wild guessing now.