
Was it light speed? I thought it was speed of sound - which would be Mach 1. Didn't they establish early on that even though Garrick is more experiencend, Barry had the advantage over him in terms of speed? I may remember incorrectly. However, I also don't have a problem with rationalizing the various powers of the

I thought the Duplass brothers declined doing a movie about superheroes

How exactly is "pushing" the abortion angle too much?
First, it wasn't even the main plot. It was a plot that went by really quickly without much of a fuss.

Anytime in The Sopranos at Artie Buccos restaurant. I'd die for Furios mozzarella

"..and making only the most sparing use of Thomas Newman’s score," I noticed that, too and found it to be very refreshing. However, nearing the end of course, the score was amped up significantly and led to a lot of pathos when there should've been a little. Other than that, the movie was amazing. It was thrilling,

Haven't you seen "The Happening"?!?!

Wow, I went through the entire show in two days and I'm completely baffled about how great, if short, the experience of watching it was. I even went through every review and had a look at the comment section for every episode, which is something I don't usually do.

I feel like the whole series is like a comment on TV show formulaics and construction, but without really pointing fingers. I don't mean for example the racial and sexist issues, but the structural ones. I've basically been on the edge of my seat for every episode because I always just waited for the clichéd plot

I definitely don't think it's legal for a show to be this good.

I think there are always some compromised to be made both whilst producing a television show and getting a point of view across.
I think if MoN tackles both rough topics with candor and honest curiosity, like relationships, immigration, racism and so on and also questions regular comedy formulaics (like abstaining from

H. Jon Benjamin has, simply put, the greatest voice in human history. He can say anything and I would have to laugh at it. I don't even care about his acting. It could be the most shitty acting of all time and I'd still love it to death.
The man was born with a gift.

I've just been rewatching the fourth season and I have to say the writers really learned how to utilize the insane comic talent that is Damon Wayans Jr.. It's been bumpy in the third season, even though it was better at the end, but in the fourth season they give him very good material to do something weird and funny.

This was easily the funniest episode of season 1.

Especially since even somebody with notorious lateness (inspite of superspeed) wouldn't miss the funeral of one of their best friends. I don't think Barry would have missed Felicity's funeral, even if he had his hands full with Zoom. Not for the world.

It would be superfunny if they killed off Sara yet again

I don't know. On the one hand, would Barry Allen show up for anybody's funeral other than Felicity's? On the other hand, he sure as hell wouldn't miss Felicity's funeral since they are nerd-buddies.

I've been rewatching Arrow and petty much binging it since I don't know what else to do with my vacation and the first two seasons are actually really good.
And I came here to comment on how annoying the 3rd season is. It is not really bad per se, even though it is inferior in writing and using the flashback sequences.

That would be awesome! Tammys 1 and 2 as villains. Tom Haverford as Q (hint: everything is suede). Leslie Knope as far too hands-on M. April Ludgate as desinterested Moneypenny and Andy Dwyer as goofy side-kick.
It all works out.

I started reading It when I was about 11 or 12. I didn't make it further than a few hundred pages. After that I couldn't sleep properly for weeks and never bothered getting into the horror genre again (It's been 12-13 years). I just don't have the stomach for it.
The most horror I got since then was Zombieland and
