
And I'd like my Luke to be one of those "both sides have valid points" kind of guy

It's mostly clichés and typical SciFi archetypes.

I'm not saying he's intolerant. As I already pointed out, I don't know his comedy very well. He might not be. My point was that Amy Schumer isn't, apart from Jerry Seinfeld.

I think there was a discussion on something like that about a month ago here.
I love Amy Schumer and her stand-up is anything but clean. I don't know if being politically incorrect is a bad thing in and of itself. I personally draw the line at intolerance and to me there's a distinct difference between un-PC and

Well I don't think the contracts can just be terminated by either party at any point, they are probably determinable for a couple of years.

I agree, it may "just" be courtship. But the whole "She said no, but she means yes and doesn't know it yet" sounds kinda like rape-logic (no it is not literally rape and I don't intend for that to be a discussion point).

but what if they weren't?

"Turn out this is my kind of party!"

"Turn out this is my kind of party!"


hoooooooot fuuuudge carwaaaaaaaaaash

"There's logic to all of it" - Archer explaining the shirt and the first aid kit being behind the bar.

I don't know if I wanna be excited about this. I absolutely loved loved loved the original and think it's probably the best animated movie of all time. So (at least for me, that is) - what way is there to go but down?


I am very late to the discussion yet I feel the need to express this in text.
On a quite funny episode my personal laugh-out-loud moment was when Harry told Sal Ken was making 300 per week and Sal just quietly yet determined stuck his pencil in the pencil sharpener without a comment. A refined man's rage, I guess.

See ya later, Pan

and also not really see anything about that because he'd be dead long before the Reverse Flash was born

Thank you for that info! I just thought that since Eobard has technically never been born, the original Wells has never been killed by Thawne - that might at least be the reason for why he still is a regular. I liked the Cavanagh's Reverse Flash, though.

So…no Tom Cavanagh as regular in S2? Apart from Candice Patton the acting was fine, overall, but Cavanagh certainly was the standout among a relatively good cast.

I have just a couple of weeks ago stumbled onto Lost. I've partially spoilered myself (it is hard not to) and have been told The Constant was one of the best episodes of Lost. I don't know if anybody will ever read this but this episode was just mind-numbingly amazing.