
I second that, though I think that decision maybe wasn't made by the studio but by Azaria not wanting to be a recurring/regular on Friends.

sexism in a nutshell?

Probably Good Grief. Pier Pressure is the absolute fan favorite but I think critics often find Good Grief encapsulating the show a little better.

Is this comment section like a hangout space for Community fans? 75.000 comments and counting…with like over a dozen in the last hour alone.
Anyway, approaching parts of what Todd wrote:
Community does feel ready to end (even though there's an upcoming 6th season). And this is far from a perfect season finale, it's

"You don't have a drinking problem, you clearly have feelings for Britta, you DISGUSTING MONSTER"

aren't they related?

I haven't watched these episodes yet but is USA burning the series off? How are the ratings? I'm sorry, I'm from Germany and I have no idea how to interpret Nielsen ratings and overall viewership.
I just noticed that the broadcast has the last 4 episodes air in 2-episode batches during the holidays and that set off my

Anyone else notice Thea's sparkling MC Hammer Christmas pants? Best fighting attire ever.

Hey everybody. Upon hearing a lot of good about the show, I decided to check it out. First, I can't remember the last show 'cause of which I laughed out as much. Secondly, I'm at episode 7 in the first day. And last but not least: Deon Cole could be a star. He just got his lines down. I mean literally everything he

I hope you're right and they actually cover this differing perspective and different set of characters more! The counselor was quite well drawn in that she obviously had enormous experience in managing angry people. Such as when Nina burst out about the sign-up sheet.

I also don't mind them becoming a couple again. Honestly, the way this show has handled those two there really is no alternative. Them staying close friends? Nope, there is too much sexuality between them (think of how enraged Schmidt would become in that breast reduction episode). But it should be a conscious

I know that the only somewhat happy ending for Jess contradicts the "God only knows" line from Billy Eichner a little but the song playing later just was a little too obvious for me. Especially since Deschanel obviously felt the need to sing it herself.
I feel like the could've handled that differently.

Bitch it is 5.30!

It's really funny to see these comments 7 years later

The joke is also a nod to Happy Endings, don't know of anybody noticed…

This episode is the gold standard set for the show and the upcoming season.
I'm thrilled to see if they take the new season right to where this one left off or if they start 6 months after this episode (which would be about the time that actually passed).
Best would probably a little bit of both, like the first or the

That was probably the best line read of the night. Even better than "Whassup."

I think Boyd failing this season is probably a setup for a) the finale or b) the final season.

I'm from Germany so I've not seen the preview of next week? Is Art getting shot something you could see in the preview or is that just speculation based on something shown in the preview?
