
thanks, I wasn't aware of that reference!

The guy that slipped was awesome! It recently watched the Arrested Development DVD set with commentary and they all went nuts when Tobias slipped on Lucilles spilled drink.
I guess it's always important to not just split, but get your feet to slip in the air.

I watched this season for the 2nd time now (and immediately after watching the first three…again) and I feel much better about it than in the first run. Maybe I didn't pay attention enough the first time but this felt like a really really good season of television. Maybe a little shaky at times. The season had some

You're right, then let's assume we get another great cast as a whole…a lot of the smaller roles were played very good, too. And you can't have too many The Wire actors on a show.

Does anybody have additional reading material on the first season as a whole or the last episode (like the io9 stuff from a couple of weeks ago). I feel like it'll be impossible to get useful information on that question without reading all 2000+ comments.

I hope they get two actors as awesome as McConaughey and Harrelson for the 2nd season.
But it's hard to imagine a setting more haunting than the Louisiana greenlands (a sentence I never imagined I'd say)

I understand the concept of shows having differerent appeals to the the viewer. My point is: Either stop grading altogether or find some common ground. Because you can't deny that comparing is part of the human nature. The viewer (and even if it happens subconsciously) always longs for being able to put shows/episodes

I'm watching the 4th season for the second time now. And while it
might not be as good as the first two seasons (or even the third), this
season is still pretty much amazing.

Stop giving A's all over the place! You seriously mess with the standards of this website.

Yeah, you're probably right. I mean showrunners are like the CEO of making a TV show - ultimately, they make all the creative decisions. But performing - a guy like Tarantino (I know he doesn't run a show, but he controls every single step of producing his movie, so that's about the same) is just about the worst

That's how I feel/felt about Mitch Hurwitz, too. Kinda odd right? The main creative guy behind the best comedy of all time should be perceived as funny but somehow he's not, until you see him on the screen.

It won multiple Golden Globes, so I guess you can be pretty optimistic. These things sell, you know

I loved how the prize t-shirts fit the casts personality!

I just watched the 7 episodes that are out by now and I'm immediately starting over again. This show has tons and tons of literature references, foreshadowings, and is extremeley (and I mean extremely) rich on detail. Nothing is coincidence, everything you see and hear matters, I assure you. There is an unbelievable

There are tons and tons of weird fiction/horror fiction references (that aren't about the Yellow King). I'm not very knowledgeable about that kind of literature, but I'm pretty sure the green-eared monster bears some relation to H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu

Since you appear to still be reading up on things, I personally have watched up to thi 5th episode right now and am reading up on it on the internet. If you haven't already done this, I recommend reading up on this io9 piece in the stray observations above. Not the article, but especially the "Nathan James Paulette"

Well, although I'm very late to your post, I guess the ambiguity i pretty much exactly what the guys in charge of the show are going for. Is the guy just talking insane symbolic crazy people talk? Or is he actually talking to somebody he knows? Is it figurative or is it literal?
Yes, of course the 2012 investigator

Yes, I get that it is a move that make sense for the character.
But I meant it more in the context of the series as a whole. The tone of the series shifts completely when you basically make him a serial killer. People might not perceive FU as a genius deceptive schemer, but as a murderer first. I think it ought to be

Britta’s old activist friend is named Michael, but it’s pronounced “Mike-hale.”

There needs to be more Dean Pelton, please. One scene today, absolutely awesome.