
I like House of Cards - probably a bit more so than the writers of the AV club. I've watched the first two episodes of the 2nd season, but I do not like that although House of Cards is supposed to be a political thriller, there is another murder involved now. Why make this show about murder? I mean I can handle the

read the article. they are doing two a week

Don't you people get it? He's a good guy! That's why they love him!

I'm watching this show. I have no idea why. I think I'm going to
carry on watching the third season, because i somewhat enjoyed it until
mid-2nd season..it's probably the cliffhangers and stuff that get to me.
But other than that, this show is complete crap. I guess Olivia Pope is
somewhat likeable, but Kerry

not even close to the low budget swedisch original. and that one is not even close to the book. just read the book people, it'll be more than worthwhile

I'm kind of glad to see that I'm not the only one sucker for Grey's Anatomy on the av club. Because I'm a little ashamed of how much I enjoy the show. I mean not that the characters aren't interesting but they are just super predictable! But if the review masters here think that it does not suck completely, then I

Can't tell if that's ironic as I never concerned myself with the Wayans' family history of comedy. What am I missing? Enlighten me.

"The on-course announcer for the ski
jumping sounded like Community’s Dean Pelton."
I can not help but imagine the announcer saying "….However, I wish you luck!"

I don't understand why you would write that article now instead of either before the 3rd season as sort of a preview or after it has ended. Some of the stuff you approach does not really make sense, but I have to agree that Coach could be used better. As of now he somehow is the one that resembles the "straight guy"

I don't think anyone needs to have a discussion about whether or not these characters are just one-dimensional vessels for silly jokes and faces. Everybody knows that shifting group dynamics and evolving characters actually are what sets this show apart from all the other shows, especially when it comes to attempts at

At the end of season 3 I was at kind of a point where I didn't even try to assess Community from an objective point of view because I basically was so infatuated with this show I would've given just about everything at least an A- or something. Because that was kind of the range of how much I actually enjoyed each

Peralta finding and eating his old croissant? GOLD. Dynamite timing by Samberg, but what really sold that one was the camera frame.

I just finished rewatching Happy Endings for probably the third or fourth time and I dare say it: Apart from a big chunk of the first season, this was probably one of the top 5 funniest shows I will ever have watched and that I ever will watch. Just judging from how unbelievably funny it is, it is right there with

Why is Damon Wayans' unbelievably hilarious (AND Happy Endings-like) cop imitation not in the review?!

I've just been rewatching the first three seasons (the fourth being ahead of me) and as of now, I like the third the best. The first season is all funny get to know each other with a lot of group hugs and the second is the group being in a comfort zone. The highest individual episode quality may be in the 2nd season

I've just been rewatching the first three seasons (the fourth being ahead of me) and as of now, I like the third the best. The first season is all funny get to know each other with a lot of group hugs and the second is the group being in a comfort zone. The highest individual episode quality may be in the 2nd season

Although this thing has been done years ago I have to say: There is no place for irony or satire when reviewing the Beatles. Have some damn respect.

The approach to dialogue on this show is so awesome, I can't mention it enough.

At least we have a new legend to hold onto….I mean they did have an appropriate ending and how often do you see comedy television end while it was still at or near its best?

I thought it was great. It was clearly very much intended to be a way over the top "right in the viewers face" overcompensation of classic GOB catchphrases. Worked well for me..