
Man Skylar is getting on my nerves right around this time.
I mean we know Walt is not very talkative because of his meth business, but JESUS even if it weren't for that the guy is on fucking chemotherapy right now. Just shut the fuck up and let the man live is life he wants it. If he doesn't want to talk, stop bitching

whose machines?

I'm only through 4 episodes right now and I generally agree with the grading here.
Still Arrested Development should be cut some slack for doing something entirely new and progressive (I don't want to call it avantgarde television but it generally heads in that direction) and doing it so well. Also storytelling-wise it

Jeffrey Tambors different poses further cement his status as my favorite person of all time.

Woah woah woah! Wait! What?

I thought that about Community too after Harmon was fired…but then again, those are the same people that created the show in the first place, so I guess that's not really something to worry about.

do any of the tv editors here get screeners? I'd be glad to read whether or not to get my hopes up…

Man I just started rewatching this and I gotta say it: This is probably one of the best pilots to a new series I have ever seen. This is how you gain quality viewership - not quantity viewership though, as for a friend of mine complained there could have been more exciting action sequences. But then again, I know the

something something Arrested Development quote

"Maybe I'll put it in her brownie" has got to be on the top 5 list of AD jokes. Perfect joke, perfect circumstance and especially perfect delivery by the great Jeffrey Tambor, who I believe to be the best comedic actor in the cast. Yes, in THAT cast I want to single him out, he's a genius.

"Maybe I'll put it in her brownie" has got to be on the top 5 list of AD jokes. Perfect joke, perfect circumstance and especially perfect delivery by the great Jeffrey Tambor, who I believe to be the best comedic actor in the cast. Yes, in THAT cast I want to single him out, he's a genius.

I love the "douche chill" sound that Tobias makes! I swear I had it as a text message sound for two years and of all the people I know, nobody watched AD hence I got weird looks. Haven't been ashamed of it, watched the episode again today and it hasn't gotten any less funny than it has been a few years back. Awesome!

That was damn funny, that's all I have to say about it. Best episode of the season by far.
Edit: Found something else: Jim Rash is awesome and should there be a fifth season, he would have to write every episode

I think Abed and the Dean (though just a minor influence) were well captured in this episode by the writers and obviously the actors.
I thought the Die Hard references were done well, especially when Abed took of his shoes and socks and looked at his foot just after Annie broke that vase. This particular scene would

I love the "Winston doesn't know how to prank someone", please keep 'em coming! While I like Winston, he still is the least funny main character (I don't count Cece in here). I think this is because he doesn't have a "thing" per se in contrast to the other characters. Jess is the adorable nerdy girl of course,

The should make an hour long montage about Dan Byrds throwing yelp in its various ever-so-slightly different forms. I literally laugh out loud every time I have to think about it!

well, he is the manager at that coffee shop right? I don't really know how these things work, but he should be making more than Hannah or am I wrong about that?
And Hannah is cut off financially and has to finance herself and her apartment.
I know she had roommates all the way but the apartment is everything but

I liked the scene, however I thought it was cheesy to put it on the end credits…especially for a show that is so musically ambivalent it doesn't have its own theme song.

That bastard was a saint. A saint!…that bastard."

In order to get psyched up for next weeks return I watched the whole third season so far again and I really have to say it's kind of frightening that now everybody is hilarious. Where is this going?
The last show I remember that had such consistently strong comedic performances from literally every main cast member is