
2. to delude them for a few lovely moments into thinking they could design for their models again. Also, they do that after every not-with-models challenge, don't they?

I think you meant "when they reach college". Because if you meant "when they reach high school" and Suede was a cellist for 13 years, that means he started in infancy.
I do get your point though. I played violin from age 4 to about 20, and now I occasionally pick it up, but don't play much anymore. That's me,

just because you're a genius doesn't mean you know a dead language. It's not like you can go somewhere (except maybe the Vatican) and just pick up Latin. Unlike, I'm assuming, Farsi.
I hope FBI girl gets more chances to use her linguistic-major background, though.

Nice review, Zack
Glad to see your love of uneven, creepy sci-fi/fantasy extends beyond the X-Files. Then again, doesn't it always? Once a geek, always a geek?
This review was a pretty good summation of the show's strengths and weaknesses, and of its simple throw-back appeal (good call on the 80s genre). When it first

I don't believe you're mistaken. From the earlier challenge this season.

isn't that like saying that only blondes can play roles written as blonde? Or only people with law backgrounds can play lawyers? Why force someone to use their childhood accent? Isn't asking them to use a different accent, play a character that they aren't themselves, called ACTING?

like the Saturn challenges. speaking of, I was glad to see Laura's Saturn challenge again. it pokes so much fun at the concept of designing an outfit after a car. brilliant.

Thirded (or fourthed, depending on how you count those seconds). I really hope you keep it up. The highlight of my Friday work-avoidance web surfing.

"Possible explanations for Leanne's spy interlude: 1. She's heady with immunity, 2. The producers made her do it, 3. Late-onset personality."
I'm going with 4. She was punch drunk from getting four hours of sleep a night, and when the producers suggested a spy montage, she giggled and acceded. That and she was probably

if talking about Sarah Palin is what eeeeverybody is doing, then it's popular in the culture. hence, pop-culture!

No, every non-shitty sci-fi show doesn't deserve slavish devotion. I'm not a self-proclaimed Browncoat, but the world Whedon created in "Firefly" was so interesting and so complete that it's not at all surprising it has engendered such.

ha, no, Haley Joel Osment is a MUCH better actor. Suede couldn't act his way out of a paper skirt. Also, Haley Joel Osment had the potential to be attractive (I haven't seen him lately, so I don't know how that potential was actuated), but Suede just makes me laugh.

I hate to say it…
but "broach" is a verb. As in, I broached the subject to her. I assume you meant "brooch," that piece of pin-on jewelry.

Stella's man
I dunno, he looked more like he had his shit together than I was expecting. And he's a designer too? That combination, of StellaDesigner and Stella'sBoyfriendDesigner is a little more than my concept of the world can handle.

Lies, I tell you, LIES!
"Drama, "storytelling" as he puts it, lies at the heart of both…"

It's just the latest sign of the coming Zombie Apocalypse. Consider yourself warned.

You wanna talk liberal oasis in a conservative wasteland? Try Blaine County, Idaho. Home to Sun Valley, it's a lovely liberal enclave in the reddest of states.

Ok, I gets it.
I've been told I should have watched all the Highlander stuff already, but I've always found better things to do. A few more unconnected references, though, and I'll assume the universe will punish me unless I see it.
Hmm. I'll have to think about the "Alex" thing. And watch the episode again. I've been

sorry for the piddly shit
My English major (and XF fandom) forces me to quibble with a few things:
* "an extreme possibility that Mulder never gave much time too" There's an extra "o" in that last word.
* "whose to say he hasn't been taking marching orders from Mr. Marlboro himself"
They're Morleys, not Marlboros! (and

Ok, *I'll* comment.
While I have no problem with a spoof of Michael Moore, and in fact would welcome some nice satire of his works, this doesn't look like it's very good. Is that just me?