
Nice working with you
"—The "ALL DONE NOW BYE BYE" message Mulder gets at the end of "Blood" haunted me for years."
The one that haunted me was at the end of Die Hand Die Verletzt:
"Goodbye. It's been nice working with you."
Creeeeeeeeeeepy. And somehow, I'm not sure why, to me more creepy than the end of Blood. Maybe

yeah, but it wasn't Kelli's design…it was Blayne and Leanne's.

I'm assuming you're referring to Korto…?

Maybe I'm just not good at predicting dialogue, but I enjoy the various ways she gets folks to admit to crimes. There are certainly hackneyed plots and characters, I'll give you that, but sometimes if I'm busy I tune in during just the last 15 minutes to see the close.

A pregnant wasteland
"The barren entertainment wasteland that is August"?
I take it you're not watching "Burn Notice," "Eureka," "The Closer" or the Olympics, Amelie. Frankly, I haven't watched this much TV since before the writers' strike.

All dressed up
I'd forgotten how packed these episodes can be. Throughout this review, I was thinking of the Angela plot line, and then at the end when reminded of her folks, it was with pleasure that I remembered their subplot. Given the difficulties the two of them had, it was nice to see them interacting so purely

To Mr. Brown:
Quit being a wuss and get a tattoo already. It's like a band-aid that never comes off!

Wasn't Jerrell saying Blayne needed bronzer because Blayne was complaining that he was starting to pale in the absence of constant tanning booths? i.e. wasn't Jerrell making fun of Blayne's tanning obsession? His voice just didn't have enough sarcasm in it.

wait wait wait. Donna and Noel live in the same house?
Why'd you have to go and burst my bubble? I like to think of all AV Club staffers as hipster douchebag bachlor/ette/s living in lofts or basement apartments (according to salary), possibly with unappreciative roommates who play bad drums/guitar while said staffers

Joe's looked cocktail to me. It wasn't particularly interesting, but I could see a grownup standing around with a glass of wine in it.

Actually, it's spinoffs. Spinoff is a single word, no hyphenation.

Sorry, Ravenpen…up on my Boggs post, there's an apostrophe after the S in Boggs, and then a quotation mark. Unfortunately, the apostrophe and the first bit of the quotation mark blended together when it was posted, so it looks like there's no apostrophe.

OK, with that out of the way
I first watched Newsradio this year, and I think it's telling that even at such close proximity I don't remember "Friends," but have distinct memories of "Autobiography." Unless "Friends was left off the DVD for some reason, there's not really any explanation except that "Autobiography" is

Snowglobes and salt and pepper shakers and thimbles and shot glasses for me.

and their daytime staples, Cold Case Files, American Justice and City Confidential. If I'm murdered, I want Bill Kurtis to tell my story.

oooh, that'd make a good reality show, and also please some fetishists. America's Next Top Shoe Designer.

lol I'm assuming that last "they're" was intentional…because if you meant "their" you need more help than I thought :)
I'm guessing by "proper name possessives," you mean "Boggs's," which should be "Boggs'" There are a few "it's/its" transpositions: "While its good dramatic sense," "its only in the final few moments."

I hate to do this…
…because I'm glad that the XF eps are getting the reviewer attention they deserve, and Zack, you certainly have some interesting takes on 'em — not always my take, but that's what makes the reviews interesting. And I enjoyed your self-introduction: good to know Keith is still around and not stuck in

how about Heidi Gotts
on Wonderfalls? Sure, no one saw the show, but I loved it, and was pleased to see Jewel Staite come in as Heidi in the episodes after Eric comes on scene. The role was originally played by Corry Carpf, who is pretty but unmemorable.

And, in case I haven't mentioned it before, if there are any good programmers out there who remember Wesleyan Tetris, I'm willing to shell out a great deal of money for an accurate recreation of my all-time favorite time-waster.