
Or Wesleyan Tetris, played on my Mac SE. Oh how I miss that and curse Randall Cook into the depths of hell from removing it from my life (he's very effectively managed to delete all copies from the Internet, a feat I didn't believe was possible).

I don't understand
how I can be so far away from a 7-11. I live in the fourth-biggest city in my state, but apparently 7-11 doesn't consider Twin Falls, Idaho, important enough for a store.

As their red-paint-throwing activities prove, they're actually fans of humiliation. It's just the physical mistreatment that gets their goat.

of course, he wasn't playing Rat Boy then. Nicholas Lea's success playing that role catapulted him into the role of Krycek. If I remember rightly, that happened with a few other characters too; they started out as bit players and ended up with more major roles (either within the same series or between XF and Chris

talk about inept — can't even spell it right.

yes, he scares me. Like literally scares me to look at him. But I can close my eyes and he's fine….which actually makes him the opposite of Rene, who is good to look at but scary to try to understand (hihi!) Hmm…Maybe they should have Kim stand behind Rene to talk.

And a boy named Sheila is bound to be either flamingly gay or an angry bodybuilding ex-convict.

yeah, that was a pretty common thing in my adolescence, so the line resonated. Still does. Though I've realized that the stupid things I say have less importance than I gave them in adolescence, so I'm able the shut down the resonating more these days.

another list from someone who only consulted wikipedia
1978: Music For Films - Brian Eno; 1979: The Wall - Pink Floyd; 1980: Rarities - The Beatles; 1981: Ghost in the Machine - The Police; 1982: I'd have picked one of the Dalida albums, but they didn't have any of my favorite songs on. So Beautiful Vision - Van

yeah, I'll be there opening weekend, whether it's good or not. I need to justify my ownership of all the seasons on DVD and my former rabid fandom.

Agreed. I'm fine with no grades, but if you wanna hand 'em out, I won't complain either.

'all places all times' versus 'one place to another instantaneously'
Re: House Of Pain's "Jump Around"
hahaha exactly. Except that would have made this movie amusing.

If only Bonerz knows the answer to this, how do you know whether the answer is right or wrong?

What's with the question marks at the end of all but a few of those songs? I get the asterisks, but the question marks seem designed to eliminate any veneer of authority that list has (and it's a pretty good list, coming from someone who stopped listening to top 40 shortly after these songs came out).

"Angela's ignorance of Brian's feelings for her is a frustrating and recurring theme in MSCL. Does she not know that he likes her, or does she simply not care?"
I think she's willfully ignorant that he likes her, because she doesn't want him to like her, because she doesn't like him (not in that way, anyway). She puts

There are some pretty good MotWs, especially in S9, like Improbable and Sunshine Days…I'd say plow through. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with those two seasons in the background of the upcoming movie.

Honestly, I thought they struck a pretty good balance. Like has been mentioned before, we tend to remember the MotWs, because they stand out away from the mythology-arcs, but in general they seemed to switch between them really effectively.

sorry to be an accuracy ass, but it's Doggett. O and two Ts.

"The derisive term for these is 'monster of the week' episodes"…
really? I never used it derisively. Just as a matter of fact distinguisher from the mythology-arc episodes. Like you, I liked the MotWs.

It's "hear, hear" as in, "do you hear that I am seconding that?"