
about the stray observation: Doesn't just about every show do that? I've noticed it a lot in my rewatching the XF.

Lesbos, I say that to strangers on the street all the time. Somehow asking people to be more attractive never seems to go over well.

total tool. cross-eyed tool. can't stand the fucker. Come on, Bravo, find someone better!

hahahahaha. Nope. He just has a big head. In both senses of the phrase.

In terms of dialogue, I actually feel the opposite. I thought Juno sounded better than this, in part because Juno felt more to me like a created world in which hipster rules of dialogue seemed natural, whereas this had more of the clever-for-clever's-sake feel to it — although as a representation of the clever Hank

Why? Why such hatred for stories about writers? Sure, they're written by writers, but I don't we always tell people to write what they know? And is there a disproportionate amount of stories about writers? I'd say not. I'd say there is a disproportionate amount of stories about cops, lawyers, doctors, forensic

Or Cathouse. A few kinda pretty girls, but a lot who really wouldn't ever find themselves clothed on the pages of a magazine.
Of course, this only means they actually reflect the appearance of women who aren't paid for sex. You have to remember, it isn't the looks that are getting them the money. It's the willingness

Really, Matthew wasn't dressed comically?

Agree. Kudos. I'm watching the show for the first time along with these recaps — despite being old enough to have seen it when it first aired, I somehow never did, but I've been hearing about it ever since and figured this was the perfect time to jump in. So I'm looking forward to more like this.

Barring extreme circumstances such as mortal illnesses and trips to Bolivian jungles, a true fan would have seen the finale already. The lack of caring exhibited in your not having already seen it means I have no sympathy for your complaints about spoilage (which, since the episode has already aired, really can't

Having been a huge XF fan, well past the point where I can name any episode's title on command, watching the old Kolchak for the first time is pretty amazing. It's ridiculous how many parallels there are, even down to individual plotlines, especially in the early seasons of the XF. That said, I liked the new Night

Anyone remember Space: Above and Beyond? That ran before the X-Files during the 95-96 season, I believe, and was also by Wong and Morgan! I got the boxed set, and, to be honest, it's not all that good, but it takes me back to a particular time in my youth that is lovely to revisit. That, and it featured Kristin Cloke,

Brain, I'll go with you on this one and try to sneak it into my news stories! I might have more success, too, since I write features and we tend to have more latitude…

Christina Hendricks: from the little podunk Idaho town I'm living in.
She thought Mad Men would never make it, that it would be brilliant but canceled. Thank god she was wrong.

Yeah, what DOES it say when I (and apparently some others) like the "Most Unwanted" so much better than the "Most Wanted" tune? Are we that different from our fellow humans, or is the common denominator just that banal?

Yeah, it was stupid, though, because hospitals always check that shit instead of taking two guys' word for it.

The Devil's spawn?
Hey, that one chick is Cady from Reaper. Uh, imdb says Jessica Stroup. Too bad. I liked her in Reaper, and of course she won't be coming back if she has 90210 to go to.

There was "Welcome to the Dollhouse," but I don't think that's what you mean. Not exactly appealing to the Goosebumps audience.

please, I'm trying to forget that O'Reilly has ever heard of The Police, let alone pitched a hissy fit about them.

New oven logos?
Anyone hear that GE won't be making appliances anymore? Turns out today they've sold that part of their business, although the buyer will continue to use the GE brand for a few more years. So we're saddled with at least a few more years of beauty shots of GE logos. Hooray!