
Yummsh, if Gail's are real, which I believe they are, then yes, there will be saggage once the bra is removed. That is what happens when you put real flesh into a boob of that magnitude. Stupid nip/tuck culture expecting large boobs to stand up on their own. Just doesn't happen.
I personally enjoy Gail's boobs because

Really, Tyra IS Thursday.
It/She is generally too early in the week to start your weekly intoxication, though sometimes you do anyway.
It/She is the relief that you made it past the giant Hump, though the trauma that there are still two more bouts of work to get through before you can collapse into a ball of spasmodic


Oh, three cheers for GastrognomeTM!
That's exactly the sort of uncontrollable giggles I wish I got more often…

darn you, dugg, for getting there first. I thought I was all clever and shit, and it turns out I'm just tired and possibly flu-symptomy. well, such is life.

10-15 years
"which for the model world, is like dog years."
wait, what?
10-15 model = 7 dog?
10-15 model = .7-2.2 dog?
1 model = 7 dog?
what's the dog to model equation (minus the sad porn jokes, that is)?

I'd say Secretary, but that's only a comedy in the most tangential sense of the word.

how is that not a tight parking space problem?

sorry, my homo-nazi boots need shining. Really, it's my memory that was failing me, not my nazism — even as I typed my original comment I was suspicious something was wrong with it, but I fully expected that others with my predilections would come through with the correction. So thank you, homophone nazi, keep up the

palate vs palette
Scott, love ya, and love the reviews, but look it up. Please.

Nerd, I wouldn't assume that next cycle has anything to do with the rest of McKey's career. I do believe the winner is contractually obligated to appear in the commercials etc for like 6 months or a year or something. But after that they could probably call themselves The Artist Formerly Known as McKey and Bankable

Speaking of palates.
Scott, I'm assuming that's what you meant when you said Kathie Lee Gifford and Meredith Vieira had unsophisticated palettes. Not that the thing they mix paint on or store items on in garages was unsophisticated, but that their senses of taste were unsophisticated.

wasn't there something in season one about ned only being able to resurrect for a certain amount of time after death? which is why tables don't sprout back into trees when he eats.

Isn't Nina Garcia "Editor-at-Large"? (I'm assuming that means she roams the world criticizing it, rather than doing that in print from an office somewhere).

Hooray for public atheists
So, Sheena, you're OK portraying a sandstorm, which I'm pretty sure you've never been, but when it comes to posing in clothes meant to be worn in December, models must be Christians?
right, 'cause that's not hypocritical.

speaking of beer, who hides a beer in a book? I get the flask thing, you get a lot more bang per ounce, but a beer? in that gigantic doorstop of a Bible?

bloody awful pants. go back to your gorgeous skirts, Chuck!

for serious? I think she has some of the best "my life" segments of ANY of the winners. They're actually pretty well acted, and don't look like they took 10,000 takes to get.

beacon behind the grave stone?
I thought it was *in* the grave. Hence why Mr. Watchcap told Peter to dig?
Besides, hiding anything behind a gravestone (unless it's a donut-shaped gravestone) is pretty stupid. All you have to do is walk a foot or two to one side, and you'll see there's something behind there.
Also, did