Charles Widless

@avclub-2f95b31df34a5fba7044ec89d8e9b18c:disqus if it's any consolation, the faux hipster hip-hop title couldn't be further from the actual sound of the album.  If you liked Learning you'll like this.

make that two crissaegrims. and two giant rings.

well, it just so happens those two audiences are the exact type of women i'd like to fuck. Ray LaMontagne mixtape, here i come.

Easily the worst comic
is Craig Robinson. He got huge benefit of the doubt from me for the office, but every word out of his mouth is just god-awful. The santa thing? Just for a "gift of comedy" pun? And then of course the audience just finds this insanely hilarious.

incase anyone is still out there.

this is why o'reilly is so brilliant as Brule - a broad character full of little perplexing intricacies. It's like watching a masterful actor devise an character with an accent you can't place but makes perfect sense for the character - only Brule's accent is a bizzare speech impediment centered around the word

Guinea Pig - for the thousands of posts here about how much you hate the movie, you've failed to even begin to explain why.

Kirk - just saw this and you nail it. Some people hate this movie *cough* guinea pig *cough* but I found it fascinating. Finally a movie about taking science too far that actually takes it too far. And while what Brody does is abhorrent - it makes sense in that Dren is pure emotion and 'animal' hormones mixed with

Is that Steven Segal as Shao Tsung? I'm in!

My favorite Natasha Leggero role is that of the misunderstood yet passionate street performer trying to make it big on the internationally renowned competition Stump The Dancer

"should we be seeing this?" - the first time i laughed so hard food came out of my nose.

Aziz is just one of those actors whos schtick is the very thing people either love or despise. I personally love his delivery BECAUSE of the 'bad acting' vibe. I loved his cameo in flight of the conchords, sort of love him in human giant. Anyway, he's one of those aquired tastes i guess.

once saw a crack addict breast feed a rat

My only complaint
was the way too on the nose flash back to the season 1 episode where they talk about the skeletons. Look, i'm a major lost fan - here is one of your most central mysteries…. WE KNOW what is being implied by putting a man and a woman in that cave. Do we really need it spelled out so obviously?

*grabs whisk and wraps hand in plastic bag*
"I'm just mashing it up… maggie?"

Wayne's World?

I shall, forever onward, refer to it as a "menstrual period".

is he though? All we know is locke falls down the well (obviously pre-dharma) and then another time skip - where the well is now filled in. We do not know what time period that was, thus what time period Christian appeared to Locke.

@Blaffair: don't be a dick - the "free entertainment" argument is played out. And you missed my point - i'm saying that anyone who complains about something at this point always seems to quantify it by saying "But I LOVE the show, don't get me wrong". Cause too often people jump down their throat as not being a

I just can't seem myself being THAT much more generous to the season when watched in a chunk (at least the first half) knowing how many things are brought up and then dropped in an episode or two. (Sun's voice anyone?) I know why that type of thing happened in past seasons, but filler in season 6 is almost offensive