
I'd say Bruce, but that's only because I had a ginormous crush on him back in the day.

Kevin is just a super nice guy!
This might be one of my favorite Random Roles in a long time.

Best Kevin Smith product?
I like most of his movies well enough but I don't know if they're even close to as entertaining as his "Evening with…" performances. I laugh harder and find those about 10 times more interesting than his films.

Oh, ZMF, I love ya but you are so wrong about Edgar Wright. He most defintately owns. He owns hardcore.

Gremlins is on the Christmas viewing list along Scrooged and The Grinch (not the live action horror show).

Lana Lang in Smallville
Kristen Kreuk as Lana Lang should be near the top of any list of showblockers.

Really good call on Duncan on VM. Oh, did I hate that character with a passion.

Been playing this game with my husband
I'm a little disappointed that Knives isn't a playable character but otherwise I found myself enjoying this game quite a bit… even if all the girl characters all seem to have extra jiggly boobs. Even if they're just standing still.

-Pam on True Blood
-Spike on Buffy/Angel
-Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec

I liked Romo too, but I"m not sure if that's only because I kept seeing him as Badger from Firefly.

One of my favorite gags
Everything Ginger freaks out; an angel earns it's wings.


Free arsenic? Sign me up!

Hard to argue with putting Spaced ahead of everything else (although I love Shaun and Fuzz quite a bit).

And more importantly… No Alan Tudyk.


Cabin in the Woods
Still having to wait until 2011 for this movie is borderline inhumane.

It's-ah me, Mario!

I was almost getting the impression that there isn't an actual vampire authority and that the Magister was basically pushing his own beliefs onto the other vampires.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.