
Bowfinger should get bonus points for just having Eddie Murphy be in a funny film that doesn't involve talking animals.

Not to mention most of Anthony Stewart Head's performance in Sweeny Todd. (He does make it into one quick cameo scene though)


I absolutely lost it in a movie theater watching Peter Jackson's "King Kong" during the scene with Kong and Anne playing on the ice in Central Park and knowing how it all ends up.

Kermit the Frog and Ms Piggy
I kind of expect that Miss Piggy would end up killing Kermit because of her obvious rage issues.

I can understand the whole Indy/Willie relationship going down in flames right away but is there a part in The Last Crusade where they explain whatever happened to Short Round? I just have this feeling that there was a booby trap that Data didn't quite make it out of.

Willow/Kennedy aka the Scappy-Doo of the Scooby Gang.

Sure there will be an Arrested Development film.

I kind of thought that when a movie studio was going to finally make "Wicked" into a film that they'd go the whole animated CGI route with it.

Kristen Bell was the first person that came to mind for Glinda too.

I would think watching this movie would only lead to even more High Lifes.

"The Prophecy" is seven shades of awesome. The sequel isn't too bad either considering it wasn't released in theaters (I think).

Orb collecting
I genuinely suck at video games but I will admit to being addicted to collecting the orbs in the first Crackdown game. Same with looking for packages in one of the older Grand Theft Auto games.

Really good call on Paprika.

I loved Sookie's responce to the werewolf offering shots.

Angel season 5 "Soul Purpose"
It may not be as good or deep as the Buffy episode on the list but it does have Fred (with a Bear assistant) pulling out random junk out of Angel's abdomen including a license plate ala Jaws.

So the whole turning someone's head around 180 degrees could just be vampire foreplay? Innnnnnteresting.

Alcide, the hunky, shirtless werewolf
He might not do anything for you, David, but I can attest that he works for me.

Oh, EVL, what would the AV Club be without your prim and proper decorum?

There's a surefire way for it not to bomb then. Chris Rock just has to voice an animated zebra and this movie will make a ton of money.