dingleberry productions


since you put it that way, i'll take institutionalized sexism, thanks.

93% of creative decisions can only be made by men and these creative decisions = men and boobies.

do you think women can build their own viable movie industry, as opposed to trying to deal with hollywood?

cameras are heavy!

because he loves us.

yep, i never wanted to look at it too long, just in case satan started summoning me…


piece of a master, then

i think OITNB is more diverse by leaps and bounds, although i don't think it's necessarily a 'lesbian' show.

seriously, i often wondered if this show was genius in disguise. as if it was supposed to be some truly profound commentary, or satire, or something.

their treatment of her ethnicity made me cringe.
i do believe someone used the words "spicy latina" unironically in one episode.


caulk rock

as i learned on this very AVClub board, foreign music gets you the super-duper cool points.

objectively, eh?

"revolution" as in "revolve," right?

i think madonna exploited the hypocrisy perfectly.

i think you just proved the point.

tampons? ew, gross.
next you'll be telling me that chicks poop and stuff.