
That Vox piece is great, and I'm glad the author took the time to defend fanfiction in such a public setting because it is often dismissed or considered a punchline by other avenues of fandom.
Some people like to engage with fandom by publishing reviews or opinion pieces, some like to explore differing viewpoints by

I'm very confused as to why everyone here is so quick to shoot this reading of the scene down. She was clearly not into it, saying "No" and "Stop", trying to fight him off, etc. He ignored her, overpowered her and eventually she relented but she was obviously emotionally distraught.


That's true; it's definitely crossed my mind that the camera work, while wonderful, is part of the coldness. Perhaps its the overall tone of the two shows that I'm responding to; Hannibal's distortion of reality is supposed to be seductive while Mr. Robot's is supposed to be alienating.

I've been catching up on Mr. Robot in an attempt to stave off my fierce Hannibal withdrawal. While I've been enjoying it a lot and been pleased to discover that they share a lot of abstract elements, some which are highlighted very well in this article, I can't help but notice my lack of connection to it. It's

Whoever is in charge of promotional materials at NBC has clearly stopped giving a damn. On top of having no promos after the episodes, several of the promo photos recently have been from the wrong episodes.

Cheryl "the ultimate aphrodisiac is doing it on top of a tranqued-up tiger" Tunt would have loved this episode

Will's post-Hannibal retirement gig in Red Dragon is fixing up boat motors; he uses it to get away from the memories of Hannibal. I would imagine this is an inversion where he's using this skill to bring him and Hannibal back together.

Bryan Fuller: Will's in Virginia, Hannibal is in Italy. How do I get these two characters together?

I understand that they had to write Nina out definitively with the option to come back, but the only way this finale meshes with the literally everything this series has ever told us about the importance of Elena Gilbert is if the Mystic Falls Gang tacitly agreed that they were just flat out tired of saving her and

I absolutely loved the finale. I thought they did an excellent job of setting up Klaus's plan, specifically that he could simultaneously be actively working to save them and Hope while being a such vindictive bastard (it's so in character and yet it shows a sliver of character growth), and then of course have his plan

Yes! I wouldn't go so far as to say it was the best thing ever, but it's much better than it's sister show at the moment. It's shaky to start; the first season is good, sometimes great, but definitely uneven. However, I really loved season 2 and it's more cohesive dark-fairytale plotline. The show is somewhat less

The show has teased out a Dark Emma for weeks, so it makes sense that she finally becomes the Dark One to save Rumple (after all the crap he’s tried to pull on them, everyone still pools their efforts to save Rumple.

I've got a theory.

Wow Sheriff Forbes and her boobs are already down, no need to kick them.

I was worried about what would happen to them but it was nice to see Bonnie and Damon with no pain, no fear, no doubt…till they get pulled out of heaven.

Price Peterson's photo-recaps are all you need.

I would have liked to see Will consult on the murder of the week but it's likely they don't allow you to have bees in there.

Ahh, I do really like that article, but you have the same problem I do; lady parts. Too many men think our recommendation of this show is because it appeals to some sort of feminine thing they'll never quite get and won't bother…they don't know that, no, the actual reason we love this show is because it's so fucking

Dear AV Writers
I think that there needs to be some sort of push for the AV club members to catch up with VD over the summer, like a two-episode per week review or something. I think like most people, they look at it, roll their eyes and go "Twilight for TV", not realizing that this is a show that aligns with so many