
That was definitely Emily's voice coming out of Bonnie's mouth. So subtle. I loved it.

And I'd like to point out that "who he is" is more than simply the gay kid; he's a catty, feminine, fashionable diva. That, on top of his sexuality, is "the problem" that likely got the kids to band together and write in his name for queen. The episode was very adamant about pointing out that's who he is, and how he

I don't quite understand what's so "saintly" about Kurt this episode. Not that I can think of anything that was particularly wrong with anything he did in "Prom Queen", but maybe the shitty way this show treats most of it's other characters and their motivations/actions make him look saintly by comparison? Is the

He's too busy writing movies and TV shows. Little over-achieving ball of adorable.

I liked this review
As much as I loved the music and enjoyed some of the jokes and the plot in this episode, it still felt kinda hollow to me.
I usually get Glee songs leaked about a week in advance, which can be both a blessing and a curse. It gives me a chance to add new music to my ipod and familiarize myself with

Without a doubt, the biggest Buffy nod.

Right off the bat
You look forward to Community after The Office?

Gotta Disagree
about Kurt's storyline abruptly interrupting mid-way through the episode. Those 15 minutes were the payoff of the merging of Kurt's and Santana's storyline, the latter of which took up the first half hour. The way it came across to me, at least, was that it was one very large story about three (well,

Be a worse teacher, Schue, I dare you. Notice he didn't step in immediately after the "slanty-eyed" comment, but like half a minute and 20 insults later.

THAT'S MY SON, YOU POTHEAD *strangles Michael Cera*

We Don't Need No Education
Remember how they nodded to the fact that the kids don't go to class anymore, stated they would go to class, and then didn't go to class?

This show is absolutely painful to watch, for so many reasons, not the least of which being the half-empty DNA ladder that is supposed to be Tyler's genetic make-up *cringes forever.* However, I have continued to watch it for two reasons; 1. It's right after Glee and I always need something stupid to numb the

Werewolf Leaves Town?
When Tyler comes back, Caroline's going to be a lesbian.

It's amazing
Two episodes in a row where I haven't wanted to punch Will Schuester in the face. IS THIS PROGRESS?!?! I'm afraid to get my hopes up…

All the above said, things about the show that amuse/annoy me and are so much fun to make fun of:
—>There is some sort of school or town sponsored event every other episode, and in a show where time has no meaning and episodes seem to take place over a day or two…it gets hilariously ridiculous.
—>Related to the above

Overlooked Gem
Like pretty much anyone who caught up with this show late, I thought it was Twilight for TV and passed it by the first time I saw it (and, to be fair, it IS Twilight for the first five eps). But in the fall when I heard from a friend that I trust that "it seriously gets better," I decided to give it a