Unregistered Migrant

The BBC aren't nearly as litigious as their American counterparts when it comes to having things removed from YouTube and their ilk. So if you don't mind 360p (very stable 360p) then a lot of the best BBC stuff is uploaded to youtube by dedicated fans. That's where I watched the first two episodes of The Trip having

Michael Sheen; the big millstone (or was it albatross?) around Steve Coogan's neck. HE STEALS ALL HIS PARTS!

@cheetos: looks like we got the uncut version. I'm trying to point out the difference in ideologies between Shinzaemon and Hanbei. Hanbei is traditionalist and would never betray his master because that's what the code says. Shinzaemon IS willing to betray his shogun and the strict value and honour system of the code

Well maybe the subtitles used in Britain and Ireland are different to the ones used in America, but (and I meant only the second quote was used directly) the Tennyson quote was up on screen in big letters for me to read.

Are you guys just semi-retarded or full bore? Don't go commenting on a film to try and sound all smart and shit if you (apparently) haven't read the Hagakure or Alfred Lord Tennyson.

I dunno about that assessment, to a certain extent he's just spoiled. When he *SPOILER* gets a sword in the goots at the end he suddenly becomes pretty human and seems to rather appreciate (if momentarily) what it feels like to be one of his victims.

For me, there's actually nothing interesting until Arkham City in October if I don't pick this up, 2011 will be a good year for games except a *very* dry mid-year period.

I have this pre-ordered but haven't picked it up yet. At first I wasn't psyched, then I was and pre-ordered it, now I'm not so psyched anymore again. Like fastandsloppy said, I also was expecting/hoping for Mass Effect 2 but set in the 1940s. I have no problem with linear games (Uncharted 2 is one of my favourites),

Tha's not really true now is it? Well he is fat and sweaty.

I just want the comments about Stewart Lee to be honest. Anyone?

When is The AV Club going to…
…talk about Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle in their TV reviews?

Well you can get these instrumentals for 'Livin' Proof,' but they're neither all nor the full tracks and the quality isn't even 192 kbs. The album is great in my opinion, but the rapping is terrible. As for DJ Muggs, you'll have to filestube.com it yourself.

Yeah, but they're more remixes than straight instrumentals. I do prefer the second disc though. Also I may not be someone to pass judgement on vocals, I prefer instrumentals in general, I think Petestrumentals is one Pete Rock's best albums for example.

@ Language Riots: Yeah I thought you did, but to nip any misinterpretation in its figurative bud, I thought I better proffer an explanation.

Um…everything I spill out of my word-hole is a philosophical statement Mr. Blackface guy from the League of Gentlemen. But more specifically I was coining a new emoticon for use when referring to Joy Division; Joy or :) and Division or .

I reduced one of the great art bands of the last century to a pathetic emoticon. How have we come to this? Things aren't getting better! They're getting worse!

See what I did there?

I see that it's "Passengerside" now, not just "Passenger." How inconsiderate of me.

@ Dark Passenger Airbag: A-ha!

In black and white striped jumpers on bicycles.