Unregistered Migrant

The idea that the French are surrender monkeys is unfounded. Over the course of history they have won and lost as many battles/wars as any other country, it's just that they lost the last two big ones.


What about Otomo's other work…
…'Akira' the manga and 'Akira' the film are so astounding that it has made me afraid to read/watch his other work for fear of disappointment. At the moment for me Otomo is an unassailable genius, but I hear tell his other manga work is mediocre and his other fiml(s?) are equally

I already have it, I guarantee you I won't be getting a refund for the price of it. The "welcome back" stuff seems kind of shitty to me. I have either already played those games, or don't want to play them. Could they not have just added 20 quid to my PSN account or given a wide selection of DLC games as options? Even

Now I'm not so sure. I've been checking out the early reviews of L.A. Noire and although they say it's very good, the flaws are exactly what I didn't want to hear. I was sort of hoping for Mass Effect 2 but in 1940s L.A. But people are saying that it's more linear than I was hoping for. For example apparently your

Hmmmm, but Killzone 3 or Crysis 2?

@Bear: Just had a look at that. Jesus has the boy got nothing better to do?

There are a few parts where I found it impossible not to shoot someone, like that bit in the underground car park near the end. But yeah, I tried not to shoot anyone.

Is Mike R a character or what's going on? I come to the AV Club every now and then to get an alternative reviews on things (read superficially concerned with the aesthetics and not the depth) and every time I read the games reviews this nutjob is here screaming about how wrong the reviews are.

Agreed. Mirror's Edge was very good but flawed and a serious upgrade via a sequel could make it into big property. I paid less than a tenner or something for it second-hand and I don't think I would have been willing to pay more but if the difficulty level was more balanced, the timing for making jumps/grabs etc. was

I don't know what…
…you are talking about, my name is Guy Incognito

Vin Diesel looks like…
…an overgrown, over-muscled foetus in that picture. Especially next to my secret man crush Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

Fair point Flunky, however it should be noted that Bono is an exception to the rule as there may not be a bigger twit in the Milky Way and so matter where he grew up he would still be a twit and Phil Lynott is also an exception as a man as cool as him could not help but be so even if he was raised purely on a diet of

Actually you're right. I can see the greasy, plate breaking c*nts from here. The Portuguese and the Spaniards are catching though. I want a podium.

Fuck you, the rest of the West is sliding down the same slippery slope into the negative zone with General Zod that we are. We're just getting there faster, see you at the bottom.

I live in the South and I'll be staying there over the weekend fiddling with my knob, as the only Dubs likely to attend this thing would be Southsiders. Dubs from the Southside are possibly some of the biggest pricks in Europe and are hated by all other Irish people (hated might be a bit strong). To explain, the Dubs

Watched Wall Street…
…for the first time the other day and was pleasantly surprised to hear some of Byrne's music. Very good use of one of my favourite artists.

@lexicon devil: I could, but I won't as I try not to be an Internet asshole. I just don't think it will ever be possible for me to think of Paul Simon as anything other than a sort of American Paul McCartney; all surface, no feeling. Except what he plasters on top to appear serious. 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' is so

@Dr Acula: don't be facetious. We all know the skills of Mr. Simon, but we even better know the talent of Dylan. It's Pink Floyd Vs. The Ramones, Floyd are in every single way infinitely superior to the Ramones except they have no soul, it counts for a lot.

In Chronicles Dylan also explains that whole period that begat albums like 'Self Portrait,' basically he says he was trying to put the hound-dogs off his trail by switching styles/tactics/quality. If you haven't read Chronicles, it's very good and has a very low bullshit level and some great anecdotes.