Unregistered Migrant

'I have been working with a shattered pelvis for three weeks now!'
*Cue stereotypical Japanese laughing*

In Dylan's Chronicles…
…he talks at one point about the raft of spoofers, parodists, copycats etc. that came out in his wake. He mentions how he understood that 'I've Got You Babe' was supposed to be a pastiche of his style with Joan Baez and more or less says he thought Sonny Bono and Cher were assholes. But he also

'our parades' not 'or parades,' sheriously I don't drinksh.

Thanks, I always wondered about that. In Ireland it as usual, an excuse to get hammered beyond most other nationalities ability to even comprehend the amounts of alcohol consumed. As a non-drinker and being non-religious, the day actually means little to me, despite actually being in the country the holiday comes from.

…nothing to do with your TV show, I was just wondering and thought this would be a good place to ask; in America do people just go to the St. Patrick's day parade on their lunch or something and then go back to work? It's only a holiday in Ireland, Montserrat and a place in Canada, but you guys have the biggest

@ The person: yeah I know how the Ultimate Edition thing works, but I doubt my suggestion will affect sales. I just suggest anyone with doubts waits.
So do you mean DA2 is a polished turd or isn't? I'm unclear. Was it good or not?

Oh yeah I get the joke now. It's actually quite funny, but I always think that the really funny people on AVC either have a lot more free time than I do or very boring jobs.

I don't know what that means.

'Back 2 Life (Back 2 Reality)' by Soul 2 Soul in the late 80s.

Maybe you are at war, except not with Libya and Gaddafi but with Lybia and Qaddafi.

Proportionately it's the same for America, you guys just make a lot more movies than most countries. Plus a lot of American movie icons are from other countries and just went to America for the machine that is Hollywood. Hitchcock was English, so is Christopher Nolan, I could go on.

Has ZMF seen 'Leon' or 'Mesrine: Killer Instinct'? Apparently not.

Well bully for you, but that doesn't really help us does it?

I just watched this recently…
…and as much as I enjoy Chaplin, I still think Keaton was funnier. But I probably enjoy Chaplin the man more than Keaton the man, Chaplin seemed to have more to say.

Statements like that are why you're not allowed within 100 feet of a school Raymond.

Talk Talk
The band Talk Talk; there couldn't be more difference between their early electro-pop and their later ambient jazz fusion

Guy above; the second and third Indiana Jones films are not shit, especially the third.

I'm going to add one more thing to this before I go do some stuff; I don't think all the alterations to the original trilogy from 1997 were as heinous as some make them out to be. Yes the Han/Greedo face-off should never have been changed, but the new Death Star explosion? Very cool.
The extended shots of the Ice

I tried to read the Monster's comment in a normal voice and couldn't do it. I had to revert to the crazed grumbling baritone.