Unregistered Migrant

I have seen those Plinkett reviews and they are on the money. I just think there are a lot of shitty movies that people find reasonably harmless because they are in no way connected to something they love from yesteryear. The films are assinine though, I don't own them and never watch them when they're on TV.

Ponder this: if the prequels weren't in any way attached to 'Star Wars' would they be considered better? If they were just big budget sci-fi action movies that came out ten years or so ago.

I've been reading 'Atlas Shrugged' lately and always picture this guy as Hank Rearden.

In 82 I was not alive yet.

Moebius and Syd…
…Mead and the art design they produced and influenced for 'Tron' are the only reasons to watch this. It is so boring it's incredible, how can a film with still impressive visual effects (you can't say the lightcycle race isn't thrilling) and design be so boring? After the set-up, about 20 minutes of

What about Bioware? They have quite the success rate.

There is only one reason to watch 'Tron,' as I recently did, in the 21st Century and that is the art design of the film which was primarily done by Moebius and Syd Mead. Other than that it barely even has historical value as it is a snoozefest.

I haven't seen the remake, but the original was so good it's hard to believe the remake betters it.

I just looked up a list of all the major releases from this year; not that it wasn't great, but realistically 'Inception' just didn't have much competition. Also I haven't seen many movies in the cinema this year.

I appreciate the whole "do comic book movies always need to be so GRITTY and DARK". But this just looks like the FF movies, i.e. shite.

Great Movies
Didn't he finance 'Blue Velvet' as an apology to David Lynch for getting him involved in 'Dune'? Considering the film's influence, a great move.

Yeah I actually hate that 'first' horsecock, but since I haven't been on the AV Club for a few weeks, I thought it would be funny to stir the shit

Shit, I wonder how many seconds out I was? Either way I won't be back for weeks so whatever.

I never come round here…
…anymore so it's funny t get a first

The movie was excellent…but, was anyone else a little disappointed with the action scenes? They were great, but I didn't think they matched up to the action scenes in 'The Dark Knight' and I was kinda hoping they would, or even exceed them.

Nope. A few nice aesthetic shots by Ridley Scott and the rest is a shambling plot that tries to bizarrely retcon British history, Crowe doing his grunting Alpha-Male schtick and an unconvincing romance between Crowe and Blanchett that just made me imagine a conspiracy by the Hollywood ageing to extend the age in which

Blasto, I used to like your species and their innocuous religious beliefs, but then Thane told me about your opportunist enslavement of the Drell. For shame Blasto, for shame.

Also I think it's possible to hate a character and still appreciate them. I fucking hate Kara Thrace, but I actually think the character is very good and works in the show. BSG: take the good, leave the bad.

I wouldn't call myself a BSG apologist, I'm actually a bigger Star Trek fan and have no problem admitting many episodes of OS, the first ~two seasons of TNG and a helluva lot of DS9 and Voyager is terrible. But I think you have to take the bad with the good and overall I think BSG came out on a positive note. I even

@Tuck: actually dickbrain I wasn't trying to earn Internet points for not being American on an American site. Rather I was pointing out the fallacy in the statement by Cuomo that the word "hurley" "doesn't really have anything to do with anything."