Unregistered Migrant

A Hurley…
…is the object used by hurlers to play hurling with if you live in Ireland. The best hurlers come from Kilkenny, where they are so good even with 31 other counties as competition, they have been kicking everyone's asses now for 5 years straight.

Actually I'm Irish ZMF so go fuck yourself because the day you can "own" and Irish guy, is the day I watch 'The Shield' and don't laugh derisively.

@ Rad Pitt: do not dis-respect the BBC. The BBC owns (to use your curious American phrase) all American TV. Their documentaries are zero-commercialism masterpieces, their comedy the stuff of legend and their drama/thriller stuff as good as anything you'll see in the cinema.


How an adult can listen to and enjoy 'Thriller' is beyond me. Name one song on it that is as good as anything on Dirty Mind/Purple Rain/SOTT etc. It's so dated and clunky and the song 'Thriller' itself is laughable by modern standards.

Spotted. I realised that afterwards, but I feel OTW is spiritually M.J.'s first solo album.

@Dwigt: yeah you're right as can be seen from M.J.'s multitude of great albums…oh wait he has two and OTW has a lot of filler and Thriller, despite it's popularity, just ain't that good in my opinion if you're older than or have an IQ above 8

Are we ever going to get remasters of the actual super talented black guy from the 80s? I speak of Prince of course.

Probably won't be…
…as good as 'Off The Wall'

Fuck it…
…it's as good a MacGuffin as any. His movies are fun distractions.

@ Bad Answer Guy: agreed, whenever Juno wasn't on screen I assumed it was because she was hidden away in one of the other actor's pockets or stuck under a fridge or something.

That's a fair point, considering that Henley was in The Eagles and I hate the fuckin' Eagles.

A friend of mine asked me the same question once.

Out on the road today I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac
Is this not an insult to the anti-commercialism of hippies?

In all my great moments…
…I have been alone.

That caucasion…
…rocked the house in 'Fire Walk With Me.' When are we going to get a director's cut of that sheet?

Who posts that stupid shit..
…on YouTube? If you do a search on YouTube for something you will come across the most retarded shit. I mean seriously, is there dicks who speed home from work/school/stalking screaming at the traffic lights "shit! SHIT! Come on change! I gotta get home and edit and convert an interview

Yeah but that above clip actually isn't that funny. Chaplin was good, but he was no Keaton and certainly no Marx.

SHUT YOUR FUCKIN' MOUTH TANAKA! But yeah Hellboy II is great. Thing that shocked me most about del Toro is on the commentary for 'Cronos' was when del Toro pointed himself out as an extra, how fucking fat the summbitch has got (which he also pointed out).

Well I'm not saying I don't like Spielberg, Hitchcock, Miyazaki; I'm just saying a lot of people make their name on being one trick ponies, but having that trick be really great.