Unregistered Migrant

I watched this movie a few weeks ago and would agree with Juanito. Frankly I think that often the writers at the AV Club have an attitude that they would like to express in writing for whatever reason and just randomly choose something to attach it to.
Everything negative said in this article about Jeunet could be said

That movie was fookin' ace:

Internet will be same thing, but regardless of source, I only pay for actual premium content. I pay for XBOX LIVE because it is a high quality online gaming service. Why would I pay for most of what's on the Internet? It's mostly just amusing distractions for while you're at work or taking a break from something else.

I'll pay for a piece of software for my Mac, or HD channels on my satellite TV, or something of significant quality, but something as ephemeral as what's on most websites? If the AV Club wanted $10 or something a month, well they can kiss my French gangster's ass goodbye. Rupert Murdoch is trying out making people pay

Remove the insanity from Prince's claims yesterday and I genuinely think he's quite right. Everyone has been acting like the Internet is a free lunch with the last 15 years. It can't last, eventually the Internet will just be another aspect of the media horizon, no more or less special than television or radio etc.

Farscape? It veers one way and then another, but is at it's core sci-fi.

The different log-ins are probably so that all the people who are him can log in from separate locations without having to coordinate.

See this is what I mean; it's very hard to believe that that level of (admittedly gutter) erudition and verbosity comes from the kind of mind that would spout the trash 'ZMF' so often does (e.g. http://www.avclub.com/artic… where ZMF suggests the US should carpet-bomb the world and rebuild it all as the 51st state),

It's a reference to nothing, a parody of the kind of shit that entrances the proles that the AV Club staff (or whoever) are mocking with their ZMF character. The funniest thing is the artards who suck on ZMF's fictional dick all day on these comment boards.

Party Down?

Yeah but it takes ITSELF a little too seriously, which stops me from not taking it seriously at all. Maybe it's that it's for kids or people with kids and I am neither. Ah well…

I agree, I also don't believe ZMF is real, he is sort of a Father Guido Sarducci of the Internet. Amusing on occasion though. The real query is whether he is the product of one of many writers.

@ Wildcard Charlie: wouldn't that be 'hard fantasy'? Yeah that's good too, but I prefer the speculative aspect of science fiction. It's hard to be speculative when you're in a world that doesn't even have flush toilets.
If 'Doctor Who' was either more serious or more open about being ridiculous, like 'Red Dwarf,' I

I get Doctor Who, but I don't like it. It's too tongue in cheek and jokey for my liking. I like my sci-fi either deadly serious (BSG) or explicitly silly (Red Dwarf).

@ urgh: that is because you are an uncultured swine. If you are American though, this is forgiven, as you are all uncultured swine.

An accent where 'cup of tea' is pronounced as 'kipper tie.'

It's being from Birmingham.
The accent wards off death

Sorry, I have dicks to pull and coke to snort

Also "books to read and movies to watch." Is stated like another person might say "I have diseases to cure and children to save." Newsflash dick-brain, you're wasting your time just as much as we are.

That video review is highly amusing. The guy reviewing sounds like he recorded it onto tape while he was looking for his keys on the way to the supermarket or something.