Unregistered Migrant

What is up with AV Club Youtube embeds? They either don't work, or if they do, you can't make them fullscreen.

I should be picking up a PS3 next week (getting a new slim one on the sneaky cheap), and MGS4 is on my list of must gets. I hope it's worth it. The other's on my list are the two Uncharteds, Wipeout HD, Little Big Planet and Flower.
In time I may also pick up Gpd od War, Killzone 2, Demon's Souls and Heavy Rain, but I

@ Wrath of Kong: considering that Metal Gear Solid was quite easy, I hope you were like six or something when playing that game. Otherwise not beating pretty much marks you out as a pussy when it comes to beating video games. As for the Gamecube version of MGS, it's basically MGS1 with MGS2 graphics, outside that it's

Yeah Kiki would really have been improved by some toilet humour, or sledgehammer subtle visual clues to character's emotions or a complete lack of any austere, dignity to it's storytelling that might help it be relevant and watchable in 20 years time. Oh wait Kiki is 20 years old and I don't care if I ever see many of

Yeah The Incredibles was wowsa, but what you said is just a long winded version of "be yourself and follow your dreams," I think Disney started saying that about a century ago and I think I get it. Plus I think you may be committing the sin of 'Scottie McBoogerballs' and reading too much into Rata…and giving Bird a

@ Lone: that's a good read of 'Ponyo,' I'm also a little hampered in my reading of it as my local arthouse cinema closed last year and so I had to see 'Ponyo' in a multiplex and therefore dubbed, which is never good (except for 'Porco Rosso', which is actually better dubbed). Waiting for the DVD.
As to why I didn't

@ The Information: 'Ponyo' seemed to me to be Miyazaki apparently attempting to meld the epic aspect of Mononoke/Spirited Away/Nausicaa with the charm and pocket symphony aspect of Kiki/Totoro. It's true it wasn't entirely successful, but I don't think anything bad can be said about it (unlike 'Howl'), just it

Your comments make me want to watch Wall-E. But I lost a lot of faith in Pixar with Rata…whatever the fuck it was called. In the cinema there was some artsy, middle-aged guy hooting and clapping the whole way through as I sat in bewilderment at how I would rationalise wasting the 8.50 it cost me to see the bloated,

I have yet to watch Wall-E actually. People say it's good, but I have a hard time giving much of a shit about Pixar stuff outside Toy Story 1 & 2. Just seems like imitation Ghibli with a LOT of commercialism thrown in.

@ Registered War On Oats: that avatar is fucking genius. Bravo sir.

If the film had ended when everyone thinks it should have (and either way even at that point it would probably have needed another few minutes of something), no one would contend that it was a great film. The very fact that anyone has to defend the actual ending shows that it's nonsense. Even if Kubrick did write it,

The very fact that this elicits so much anger is evidence that you all secretly know it's true and are just afraid of being (anonymously) exposed on the Internet as imagined sexists/misogynists. If I had said "most men aren't really funny," it would have been dismissed as if I had said the sky was falling.

Pshhht, says you. Big surprise here guys, society was built by a bunch of humans who were built by their genes! I'ma just sayin' there just doesn't seem to be an increasing number of funny female comdians, there just seems to be an increasing number of moderately to not actually funny female comedians and this is no

Anecdotal evidence, but in a discussion like this what other kind of evidence is there, but in my life my female peers have not been exposed to the attitudes you mention pretty much their whole lives. Maybe their mothers were, but not them, and yes they are better at contributing to any craic to be had in the

@ Rubadub: Sorry if I seemed like an Internet asshole, but like I said it is one f my pet peeves and I thought it was what you were saying. The change in gender demographics outside of the creative field is to be expected, but within the creative field there are certain forms which are generally not really possible

Yeah but she's funny in 'Flight of the Concords,' her stand-up ain't the greatest though

@ Rubadub: don't be such an asshole, that's one of my pet peeves, bleeding hearts who claim "we're all the same" or "you can be anything you want to be." That's bullshit and don't say it ain't. I actually am a geneticist and student of evolution and so actually know what I'm talking about when I say there really are

Yeah, it's *Asian* Hip-Hop, plus I'm starting to feel like maybe the whole M.I.A. thing is a performance piece that got out of hand, like if the Beasties had actually started to think they actually dressed and spoke like that all their lives (as in the way they dressed and spoke in the mid-eighties)

1. That's not really very funny either, might, MIGHT, get a chuckle out of me if I was bored

I'm not going to go into detail here as I'm too lazy/busy but you're right and you're wrong; if a white guy from say fuckin' Denmark wanted to release a New York style Hip-Hop record that would be ridiculous no matter how talented he was, the guy just isn't from New York. But if a guy from New York who's actually from