Unregistered Migrant

She has no interest in slowing down,..
…being nice or apparently in being funny either. I'm not going to drag out the old "women aren't funny" debate (but it is bullshit if you say there isn't a difference there and it's no surprise there's no female Dave Chapelle or Bill Bailey), but whatever about other women, this

I am aware of Gram's background, however what was implied in my post was that Parsons's life and area of upbringing is intrinsically country whereas a lot of country-rock bands from twenty years later or so are not in any way country (using 'country' in the adjective sense) and their imagery/persona/sound is affected

I recently read an article about Gram Parsons that said how it was a pity that for such a great artist his legacy was often privileged middle class hipster shitheads in college putting on a country twang and forming a "country-rock band" without actually knowing much about country outside of this (as opposed to a

I find it amusing…
…that these guys look like clones of Aphex Twin that got free from the lab.

Anyone know if the first disc is remastered to significantly better quality than the previous CD issue? Is there really a reason for me to replace one with the other?

Ha! I win! I'm 25, two years out of college (with an MSc) AND unemployed.

As regards how the country changed in the past 12 years; almost everybody became an asshole and wanted to move up a social class and so started watching Rugby, going on loads of Continental (that means the European mainland) holidays and taking out crippling bank-loans. However a lot of people (such as myself) stayed

That movie is pretty good (our passive/aggressive history teacher showed it to us in school) but it's occasional historical inaccuracies are baffling. They could just have as easily been entirely accurate and it wouldn't have affected the film whatsoever, except in making it more historically accurate. Also Julia

Irish people will alternately claim famous foreign people as Irish (and they may do the same) no matter how long it's been since their bloodline was over here and also complain that every asshole in America/Australia etc. thinks their Irish because they have one red pube.

What's happening is you stop paying any attention to this movie and stop looking forward to it as it will probably never happen now or if it does it will be not very good. Also Ian McKellan will probably be dead by then.
I didn't like and of TLOTR movies anyway.

Jazz artists badoop-bee-doop-doop-bam-bam-bam their albums, unless they're smooth jazz players; then they shit them out

That was supposed to say "childish" not "shildish"

Here's what "keeping it real" means to me (keeping in mind I am a white European Morrissey fan who often listens to Hip-Hop): Illmatic and Nas' appearances on albums soon after Illmatic (Cuban Linx, The Infamous) are better than anything Jay-Z has ever done. However Jay-Z has probably never been as all out shit as Nas

I would say I stand corrected, but I was thinking of Romans as in Asterix & Obelix Romans, which those boys were not.

@ Wolfman'sRazor: that is an incredible article, thanks. I didn't necessarily mean that I felt the violence and grittiness made them more realistic, but rather the interactions between the characters seem almost pantomime like and somewhat 2 dimensional in Ford's films rather than the more natural and realistic

@Kthejoker: if your "disgusting" comment wasn't ironic, then actually watching 'Once Upon A Time In The West' should tell you that Leone was showing the attitude to women at the time, but also how they were an indispensable part of what built the West out of the Wild West. Plus she had fuckin' great TITTIES! That *is*

Yeah because as we all know the Roman Empire still existed in medieval times.

John Ford's Westerns feel like real Sunday afternoon acceptable movie type watching. Give me Claudia Cardinale's tits any day over that.

Never got the whole…
…Ford thing. Not that I don't think they're good movies, I do (especially The Searchers), but they always seem a little WASPish to me. Like some prim & proper gentleman's view of the Wild West. As opposed to Sergio Leone's Westerns which are filthy, dirty, bloody, stinking, rat infested,

I'm currently luxuriating in the Wii re-releases, full IR controls really make these games. IR/motion controls done properly are the best way to play first person.