Unregistered Migrant

Why isn't ZMF…
…here talking about OWNAGE! I would have thought this was right up his street.

A recent upgrade made the scanning icon bigger and faster.

I think you can read that into the games if you want, but I don't think it's intentionally there. OK you could say the Quarians are Israelis and the Geth Palestinians, but you could say the same about a lot of things. As regards ZMFs statement, one of my favourite moments in the first game was me thinking "man I would

As is the case recently (I don't know why) your precious decadent American movies have been coming out here in Europe up to a month before they are released in America. I haven't seen it myself, but all the reviews say it's pretty good, above average even.

@ Cosmicslop: My sentiments exactly. I didn't know Miyamoto was involved in Metroid Prime, Makes sense though, that game is beyond words at times, the bit where you're in the underwater ship (especially if you go in there before you get the water suit so that your jumps are slow and long and your vision blurred),

@Root: my sweet Jesus, I hope your a troll, because if you wrote all that in seriousness I feel almost as bad for having read more than half of it. I hate you guys who think you're smart because you spell it out, OK I'll spell out my implied point: I don't need to know why I'm having fun, I don't analyse it because

I agree, one of the very few flaws with SMG was the meaningless of coins. Why would I bother collecting them except for health and the amusing sound they make? Especially that when you die, even after passing a check point, your coin count resets to zero. I loved getting those red coins in SM64 too.

Those Rock Band/Guitar Hero games are another genre I couldn't give a shit about. Not because of the whole "go play a real instrument" thing, but because under all the flash and noise they're just simple rhythm games like it's the fucking 1980s or something. I don't mind when that's upfront like the BIT.TRIP games,

Is Blu-Ray really better than upscaling? I have a PHILIPS upscaler and from my amateur comparison, it looks the same, I know the PS3 has a blu-ray, but have you seen the price of blu-ray discs? Kee-rist!

@root_1Itc: if any of us knew what made Mario games so special and fun, do you think we'd be here talking to you? No, I'd be out there cranking out fucking awesome platformers. I can see why someone wouldn't enjoy it, it's a very specific type of game, I don't enjoy racing games (except Mario Kart) or those stupid

These "people" (they may be cylons) don't seem to get that Nintendo games are not about replicating James Cameron's Aliens schtick, they're not about challenging movies for narrative grandeur, they're not about giving a shit about anything other than being fun and as imaginative and creative as possible.

Marcus Fenix…
…was supposed to be in this wasn't he? Does that mean PS3 people get to play an XBOX character? GOW; crazy but very good game.

@ Losters 1: see above

That does make me feel a little better, but this critic giving a B- to a man who I honestly can't believe even had the capacity to string together enough words to make a book? INSANE I TELLS YA!!!

Come on! The words "This isn't a good novel" appear in the review and it gets a B-?

Mickey Spillane is a Parenthisist
I'm a big fan of detective fiction and Chandler is one of my favourite authors and so after reading of Mickey Spillane's erstwhile popularity and influence amongst others, one of everyone's favourite camic creators Frank Miller, I thought I'd give the son of a bitch a go.

Yeah! YEAH!!!

@ Crass the Lord: you must be a German speaker then? I'm studying German and have to say it's a bit of a fly in the ointment to the idea that Germans are exact and efficient and all that when they reverse the use of commas and decimal points in maths.

Fuck you Crochety you STD. Maybe deleting the cache will fix it, that seems to fix lots of other things. Otherwise I will have to uninstall it then re-install it. Good to know though that I did miss more than dialogue.

I just looked it up and see that you can. I didn't know this because my game (installed to the hard-drive) kept glitching at the point when Samara enters Morinth's apartment, I tried restarting my 360 and when that didn't fix it, I just left it as I didn't think I was missing anything other than some dialogue. Maybe I