Unregistered Migrant

@ Hoodwink: you can do that? Does Morinth then join your team or do you just get a shit load of Renegade points?

The review is still a B, this is too intriguing a game to pass up. Roll on the price drop/second hand copies.

That's a good observation Asinus, now get out of here for being too smart. I'm just finishing up my first play through now, or at least I think I am. About to go through the Omega 4 Relay, that's near the end right?


Sweet Jesus how I wish Miranda were real. Possibly the finest fictional body of all time.

Never bothered my bollix to watch Chuck, but what's the connection between Chuck and Mass Effect? A Mass Effect connection might just make me bother said bollix

First season = extremely satisfying rip off of Days of Future Past/Akira

@ teh dude: I like my long winded version better. Nah, actually that quotes pretty good, I think I'll look up that book.

"Shut that Cunt's mouth, before I come over there and fuckstart her head!"

I always thought her character was like Data or Spock or the Tin Man in OZ; a way of analysing society through a person who seemingly understands nothing of it, i.e. just like in a TNG episode where it's "this week Data learns blank about humanity and so we all understand blank little better too."

I remember…
…the second time I saw this show. It made my eyes water…with all the poop jokes

@ Buttman: I wasn't joking; recession era, ass backwards, Western Europe (Ireland specifically). Not that SNES etc. weren't available, just you needed coins for such things, and unfortunately in reality jumping on turtles heads does not make gold coins pop out.

…do some reviewers seem to think 'Either/Or' is somehow better than 'Figure 8'? Listening to them both, it can't be just a difference of opinion, you must actually be dangerously insane.

@ Kim: Maladjusted ain't great, but 'Trouble Loves Me' is one of Morrissey's best solo tracks. Also just read about the redesigned re-release, two songs removed, others put in. I must check it out. 'Vauxhall and I' is his best solo album and easily as good as anything he did with The Smiths. FACT!

My XBOX LIVE thingy is Herr Tipple, feel free to kick the shit out of me at Street Fighter until I get better (not much free time at the moment though).

I hear Garbo, but I feel the same about a lot of artists. Even the most fervent, mouth frothing Morrissey fan couldn't possibly enjoy ALL of his records. What I do is decide what you like and pretend the rest never happened.
For me Prince has only released a handful of songs since 1987 and they were all AWESOME!!! Also

I used to have a Facebook account, but got paranoid about the advertisements and nixed it. Then I developed a general paranoia about technology (specifically social networking sites) and now refuse to use all social networking sites. Although I have turned the chat function on my Gmail account back on.

@ Hakan's Chode Oil: if that's true (I'll try it out later), you just made things a lot easier. Thanks.

Motherfucker beat me by SECONDS! Fuck it, I don't even know who David Sedaris is. I'm outta here.

Thanks Hoodwink, that site looks good. Yergie, I do use the challenge mode, but I'm a bit unclear on whether I should be watching my character, Dan or both when judging when to strike next. For the moment, just being to pull off a few combos would satisfy me, but I do get the impression that it is something that