Unregistered Migrant

Yeah, I was too young for Steet Fighter 2 when it came out (and video games in general except the Gameboy, DOB 1984) and then I got a Playstation when I was old enough to really get into games. On the Playstation 1 & 2 I played the Tekken series and Dead Or Alive and loved them but drifted away from fighting games as

@ Melancholic Rodeo Clown: I agree, Howard and Cheadle had their good and bad points, but primarily I was put off by him because he looked like an AIDS victim could kick his ass.

Yeah I forgot Madlib was from L.A. I tried some of that other stuff from the Brainfeeder crew before and although I thought some of The Gaslamp Killer's mixes were excellent (especially that one he called his opus), the rest of it left me a little cold. It may be time to check in again though, it was a while ago.

Very excited…
…about this. It's great to have a contemporary beat master like this instead of reading about him, picking up his classic records and then realising he has hasn't made a great record in years/decades.
Does anything on it compare with 'Tea Leaf Dancers'?

I agree, bass is "where it's at" so to speak. Dub can get three stars from me just for knocking my speakers off the walls.

Yeah I watched it a year or so ago after a friend recommended it to as being a classic. I liked the puppetry (who wouldn't, although the occasional transition from puppetry to a guy in a costume is jarring), but I agree, not really that great, especially the derivative fantasy world and story. Maybe the lack of

Because of her stank behind.

I've been in 3D since the mid-80s. My penis stays resolutely 2D though.

Well then keep your mouths shut you Playstation owning sons of bitches!

Man I wish I had a job where I could get away with writing shit like that rather than working.

Why would a bunch of Allah worshiping camel jockeys want to see Elton John in the first place? If he's a known GAY then wouldn't that prohibit them from seeing him in the first place?

In olden times sailors mistook their farts for the farts of beautiful women.

If the AVC boys are interested in online gaming, my XBOX LIVE tag is Herr Tipple and I'll probably send you a message later RichTheEpithet. Please note however that I'm in Ireland and so there'll be a time difference (probably when you're playing in the early evening I'll be playing at nighttime), also I treat Modern

If it's fart in the sea, wouldn't that make us all monsters? Or at least pool-farting monsters.

"kids OR fat losers," not just the kids of fat losers, although that's probably true too.

True I suppose, but I just like the idea of a team of riot shields moving through a Modern Warfare map in a perfect phalanx of communication and moidering. As regards all my friends not playing video games, isn't it really fucking annoying when others disregard one of your hobbies as a childish waste of time? It's not

I'm in the awkward situation…
…that none of my friends even play video games, let alone play online. So my online play is limited to muted strangers on Modern Warfare, Street Fighter etc. where communication isn't at a premium anyway or games which don't even have a chat function like Mario Kart. This means I always

Hoodwink knows the score! Fight sticks and the Street Fighter code are at the very least instruments to be played on by the talented and creative. Accepting even this, is there really any remaining argument that games cannot be art?

That's exactly my point Dick, you dick.

Like I said it's rare, but let's stretch my Casals analogy a little bit farther - Pablo Casals did not write the cello suites, he did not design, develop or build the instrument known as the cello and yet he was an artist. The men who did develop the cello may never have been able to play like him and may never even