Unregistered Migrant

@ El Santo: obviously use your own judgement, the game would have to have a level of complexity to require genuine skill and not just achievement through overplaying. So obviously being the shit at Pac Man isn't really that impressive, but being mind bogglingly unbeatable at Street Fighter and understanding all the

'Tis true there are some games where you could pull out the story and still have gameplay as art (Portal) and 'tis true there are some games where you could pull out the story and not have art (Half-Life) and 'tis true there are games with essentially no story that are still art (Super Mario Galaxy).

In college I made a version of Guess Who using a real copy of the game that has all the faces of my and my friends Professors, lecturers etc. Good times.

I agree with Billy, but purely from the point of one film VS another, I recently re-watched both and the first one could still pass for modern, which I think earns it a lot of respect. The second one while still awesome as all get out, looks a teensy, weensy bit dated and small by modern standards (similarly the T101

Still didn't work. The vagina was the two arrow symbols, back to back, work it out for yourself.

Fucking tiny netbook keyboards. It was supposed to be (and if it doesn't work this time I'm pissed):

Pre-op prophet:

:O <=8

What about Isquits? As in I squit this fucking planet if this is the shit I gotta put up with. These towelheads are worse than the STO. At least they don't have Cylons…yet.

Oh for fuck sake! Why didn't anyone tell me QWERTY keyboard symbol based renditions of the prophet Muhammad don't work when you hit post?

Here is a rendition of the prophet Muhammed ——->
O / O
| |

" ————"

I still think Prince…
…will come back to us. The 'Time Out of Mind,' 'Love & Theft' comparison is exactly the one I made in my own head and I still think it will come true. Until then could someone please, for the love of Christ remaster his 80s albums!?!?!? 'Sign O' The Times' sounds seriously shitty.

Cameron now has balls of Unobtainium after his real ones fell off at the Oscars

Just do what I do, pretend it's still 1994 and it's all still good.

On a door in the tunnel under the train tracks in the train station near where I live in the South of Ireland there is a worn, half-legible sticker that must be there with about 20 years that has the Gang Starr icon and the subtitle: "The Real Hip-Hop."

Warum Herr Motherfucker? Ist es weil du sehr doof ist? Es ist richtig, unser Unterhaltung ist sehr intelligent und du ist ein Hohlemensch.

By "killing herself" I mean "killing people herself."

@ Just a Nigga that Likes Titties: The ass-kicking little girl is the fantasy part, the fact that a 195 lb gangster would entirely be willing to kill her 11 year old self is the cold hard reality part. Unlike other comic book movies where people just boo-boos. Her then resorting to killing herself is even more

Plus the action is fookin' awesome!

This movie was good, nothing really bad in it, just parts that didn't really work. The premise as I understand it is comic book fantasy meets cold hard reality, which the way they do it (off the top of my head) hasn't been done before, as even Watchmen is set in a fairly unrealistic world in terms of available