Richard Harrow

Jay-Z gets lots of Top 40 love too, but he's 100x bigger on rap/r&b stations. Seriously, he's probably had dozens of smash hits on those stations that people have mostly forgotten about. I'm talking songs that got ran into the ground by radio, songs that would be the biggest hit of any other rapper's career, but

Reasonable Doubt has *always* been considered a classic. Feelin' It? Politics as Usual? Dead Presidents II? 22 Twos?  Stop. Just stop.

Season 3 was half a season. With almost half of those episodes crippled by Hasbro SELL THIS TOY mandates.

Sorry Tim, but Xaa's opinion is canon.


Oh for christ's sake. It's like ANY OTHER god damned group of HUMANS in the history of ANYTHING: lotta good folks but then a handful of assholes, charlatans, psychos, and zealots fuck it up for everyone. omfg wow more news at 11.

Good world-building. Rich fantasy setting w/ a diverse range of mythological creatures. Six unique main characters with well defined strengths and weaknesses, twin immortal goddess rulers, an insectoid hive race of shapeshifting empathic vampires, oh and a chaos god played by JOHN FUCKING DE LANCIE.

Man, that 1994 live action adventure version was the shit and dark as hell for a Disney flick. Shere Khan was NO JOKE in that motherfucker and the whole scene where the evil white guy shows Mowgli all this barbaric weaponry still gives me chills. "The jungle law say we may only kill to eat…or to keep from being

I feel your pain. I too went "It's just a little slimy! It's still good, it's still good!" after Reloaded. Really, the prattling inanity of The Architect scene should've been enough warning.

Dojo fight is still tops for me. So much fun.

"In the late ’80s and early ’90s, there was a slightly retro drum sound that was popular in hip-hop music called the 808 bass drum sound."

"In the late ’80s and early ’90s, there was a slightly retro drum sound that was popular in hip-hop music called the 808 bass drum sound."

Still not as bad as that school in Oregon.

Durag Dynasty + Alchemist is my pick

look, avclub reviewed one of those "rapper music" records

because AV Club sucks ass at rap album coverage

Did anyone else listen to that Talib track? Shit is dope.

fuck you all American Dad is great.

after the first Bush term, I don't ever wanna hear the phrase "Post-_____ World" ever ever again

Why doesn't TV Club do full coverage of this show? AV Club's boss editor guy could use the Gossip Girl assignment the way Russian despots used Siberia. "Tasha Robinson if you keep this shit up, I swear I will make you go back and write up TV Club Classic reviews for Gossip Girl"