Richard Harrow

I can't believe the author fucked that up. Practically the only scene I remember in vivid detail is what happens to Robin Hood's father. Showed up outside his home with robes and fire like The Klan, burned everything, and left only his blinded servant behind to tell Robin what happened. That shit was way more fucking

Excuse me, but I believe its spelled "n0bama".

Swizz Beats is what ruined Lord Lord Lord, Mos Def's verse was absolutely divine, fuck you

>war crimes NATO committed against the people of Libya to break the back of pan-Africanism

Never heard of Rule 34 did you? I guess you went online for the first time after starting your AOL trial last week.

wtf happened to the music coverage around here? REVIEW *BLUE CHIPS 2* GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*hits ctrl+f*

Sopranos asked us to feel sorry for Carmela in a way though.

Fuck that, I love Ennis and hate that he gets lumped in w/ Millar on this site. Garth does the Bloody Hilarious trope better than anyone else on the planet as far as I'm concerned. You're talking about the guy who created a "superhero" named "Dogwelder" that welds dead dogs to the faces of criminals. He puts effort

@avclub-51048bfa2332a3aba727434b85da1dd6:disqus My parents had a friend who owned a comics shop and during visits they'd get little 5 y/o me Spiderman comics…..blissfully unaware that this was Todd McFarlane's Spider-Man series. Pretty sure those were the formative childhood moments that gave me a love for dark/bleak

Breaking Bad Season 5 vs. The Wire Season 5

imho Walt has a better chance of surviving the series than Lydia

You knew as soon as Mike didn't kill her that she was inevitably gonna be the one to fuck everything to unholy hell.

Pretty sure the official gameplan is to handle a POTUS hostage situation Keyser Söze style.

I think someone below alluded to it below but yeah, fwiw, "General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait" is legit hilarious. You're practically shocked that he hasn't renamed the country "Bananarama" at the end.

Its the Monday Night Wars. Dissolve is WCW. AV Club will struggle until they get desperate enough to stumble upon the Stone Cold Steve Austin that will save the company.

You people have been saying this since the mid 80s.

@avclub-3a53af9e954d9043d860719e175d72fe:disqus I'm beyond tired of watching people blow The Black Album and ignore American Gangster. Success? Falling? Jesus, do people realize that "Justify My Thug" was on The Black Album?