
File under "inexplicable time-wasters" I guess, but junior or senior year of high school my English class managed to badger our teacher into showing The Boondock Saints (I went to an all-boys Catholic high school, so obviously this was our consensus favorite movie.) It's either a testament to our bullshitting skills,

Right, but it's just another example things going sideways where SAMCRO's involved.

Venus drops a grenade in her car, which fails utterly to blow it up. She them tries to shoot the gas tank, which just puts a bunch of holes in the car. Tara freaks out and drives into a wall, which also doesn't kill her. The two of them end up camping out on the roof of TM, where Juice finds them. They end up

Just thought of another thing: Robocop's got another reason to be pissed at Jax when he sees Collette's face. And we never did find out exactly what he did with that devil-woman's body……

I'm not sure how to feel about vicious-Juice. I think we're supposed to get that he's gone all the way over to the dark side after a couple seasons of being overwhelmed by everything, but something's missing for me.

Actually, I took that as Sutter saying "Hey everyone, remember how crazy and awesome Happy is? His death will mean something to you, right?" A more effective twist on "We'd better give Phil a few lines to remind viewers he exists before he gets murdered."

sorry if I hit downvote by accident, their scenes were the only ones tonight that made me happy. Even with an ODing woman between them….

It's probably too obvious at this point, but I think I'm going to start the countdown on Happy's life anyway.
Tara's plot seemed to go back and forth a bit tonight. When she was talking to Gemma, she seemed somewhat at peace with who she's become. But then, when she has it out with Jax she seems to take about 12 steps

I guess, for me, it goes back to the aftermath of the attack on Unser by the Nazis. He made probably the sanest point anyone on the show's made in a while: what if the boys had been with him? I can see him having doubts about Tara's methods, but to go from that to spilling to Jax, knowing that will only serve to make

I've been waiting for Unser's number to be called for about three seasons now. I think in that time they've killed off about six club members. I'll believe he's done when they show him in a box.

For some reason, with all the drama in this episode, my biggest takeaway was a loss of respect for Unser. He's been the voice of reason, even as a somewhat unwitting accomplice, over the whole get-the boys-out storyline. Even with his objections to Tara's underhanded methods, I find it hard to swollow that he'd set up

I long ago came to peace with the fact that I may never meet another person who enjoys 'Like A Possum"

and where else can your children get candy from a man who's had eight fingers cut off by Triad gangsters because he wouldn't stop masturbating? Gotta hang on to that small-town feeling.

I'm not sure where I stand on Roosevelt's willingness to be the man-in-the-middle between the Sons and the DA. On one hand, I guess you need that character for balance, and his motivation to see justice done rather than just hang a scapegoat is commendable, especially since the show routinely shows law enforcement

You can't erase those years, but you also can't deal in half-measures. Jax's arc over the last few seasons has shown us that. Either you're in or you're out. You can't fix the club while planning an exit strategy. You also can't break your kids out of the endless cycle of violence while raising them in an MC. Tara

Then he breaks his fall on Rat-Boy, killing another just-patched-in member. Jax has him kill Wendy as penance, and the cycle continues.

I was glad to see Bobby and Tara have their little talk, but the way it played out kinda worries me. I feel like Tàra's resolve to get out faltered for a second, and that cannot happen at this point. Nevermind the fact that she's still totally right that Jax will never leave the club and that the kids absolutely have

Disagree about the DA turning Nero loose. It wasn't conscience, it was that too many facts had come to light for her to keep threatening him, and that his 'confession' was no good to her anyway. One man buying a gun from a random guy isn't enough for her to proceed on in any meaningful way.

I kinda feel like having a swaztika carved into your chest would be a bigger issue for most cancer patients.

So is Juice's arc at this point just going to be him taking a bunch of suicidal stands until someone finally kills him? I find it hard to believe no one in the club noticed how he didn't try to dodge that car.
Also, Nero is officially too good to live much longer.