
So does this mean we can move Bob's Burgers out of the 7:30 time slot?

I was actually thinking that. He's not a cyborg, he just has bionic arms and legs. I would love if Lana (or Poovey) just puts one between his eyes in the open of next week. Problem then is though that they'd have to establish another big bad in two episodes.

It was a good eraser.

You know, I was thinking the exact same thing a few minutes into this one. I think the difference is that Teddy is a primary character on Bob's, and has been since last season.

It turned into a fun episode, to be sure. But I was a little disappointed that an episode with Teddy's ex-wife as a character/plot point gave her one line of dialogue. And it was literally just his name.

Also, in my own humble opinion, the best episode the show has done to this point. I'm biased to Gene episodes admittedly, but I would put "Stand By Gene" up against any other episode.

I'm curious, what did you find to be so dark? Personally, I thought this episode could've been a lot darker, given the brief glimpses we've had of Teddy's past/family.

I've been a Gene supporter from the jump, but yes, tonight was a great example of him just cracking one-liners from the sideline.

I have to disagree with you here. Teddy is literally the only character outside of the family that has Bob's (and by extension, the Belcher's) back no matter what. Yes, he's a total sad-sack, but his intentions count for something. With KoTH, Bill was a wreck certainly, but his and Hank's friendship was always

Thank you kindly.

I think it's at least borderline significant that Louise only exhibits human empathy to (in order) her family, Rudy, and Uncle Teddy.

I want to agree with you, but you'll have to remind me of that episode.

It's Teddy, so…. yes.


Turnabout is fair play, or some such.

Ah, saved by the edit.

Gene and Louise were on point with their asides tonight.


"That's a mean joke to play on your friend, Dad."

yeah, I'd watch the hell out of a full length version of this.