
I had some hope last season that they were going to develop Phil more once he was patched in, but it never really happened. I almost felt like there had to be scenes missing somewhere. This was especially problematic for me during the scene where the Club voted on Clay's fate. The viewer knew and could understand

Chibs just needs a new hat.

Upvote for the well-written transgender character. But I have to disagree somewhat about Gemma being the 'good guy'. I thought her going down for a crime she didn't actually commit was a nice echo of Clay's fate last season. Those two are bound to each other for crimes they commited years before the series began. Add

That was precisely my thought process. That, and he's been getting fed up with SAMCRO's heat for a few episodes now, even if he did kill thosePersians (sorry, Iranians) with few apparant qualms.

Well, they finally promoted Rat-boy. I'll give him an over/under of three episodes before he buys the farm, probably at the end of an IRA bullet (see Phil, Half-Sack). Also, anyone else think that the ex-cop's generous offer to dispose of that woman's body is a wee bit suspicious? Feel like that might come up later…

V-lin, I think, was the dead prospect's name. He's shown up about twice. I guess giving him lines tonight was Sutter's way of telegraphing his demise.

-pours one out for Filthy Phil-
Loved the end of this episode. We got rid of Otto and Touric? Thank God. But who's Sutter going to use for lunatic, way over-the-top gore now?

I don't know whether to be annoyed or relieve he keeps getting moved out of the limelight, since he's pretty much the last sympathetic-ish character.

Series finalie prediction: Jax dies. Clay dies. Gemma dies. Tara dies. Nero dies. Chibs, Juice, Happy, Bobby and Rat-boy all die. Filthy Phil survives, but is consigned to a fate worse than death, working in a custom chopper shop for one of the Tuttles. Otto continues to get raped daily. The final scene is a 30 minute

Rare case where I agree with someone else's review almost completely: fairly sloppy episode, but the emotional notes at the end were almost devestating. I think this episode winds up being extremely representative of the Comedy Central era of this show, for better and worse. On one hand, you've got some lazy plotting,

Agreed. In a season where one of the overiding themes seemed to be the need for change and to move on, this struck me as a particularly depressing bit of backsliding on Gary's part. Hell, I could've seen him as the fourth member of Shallow Gravy after 'Momma's Boys'.

Gary is a bastard son of Jonas Venture Sr. Hey, you did say crazy….

Another vote for Hank as MVP here. I'd also like to nominate Derrmott for the Sixth Man Award- he didn't have a lot of screentime, but he absolutly killed it when he was on.

Anyone else kinda bummed that Gary wound up back with the Monarch? He and Hatred had such Buddy-Cop Movie potential. Also, we're now two full episodes past the Derrmot Venture reveal and no one's mentioned it since!