
I think I'm going to have two identities here now, because of Disqus.

@idiot jed,



I thought he meant, like, a straight foil to Kanye's hilarity. Although I've heard that, too.


Ha, ok. I stopped reading directly at that point. I thought it was funny, though, even if true, as a way to revel in this new, spoiler-embracing world.


I'm mostly unimpressed with these people who haven't read these stories that are assigned in, like, the seventh grade, and then liking them better when the stories are explained. I'm going to continue to hate spoilers, yet with a more open mind.

I agree. The first couple seasons of Gunn dialogue turned me off so bad. I know dialogue is the bread-and-butter of these worlds, but couldn't they have asked the actors how they thought their characters might phrase these things, so as to not come across as tone-deaf ethnic-ness? With Kennedy it wasn't so bad, more

I don't hate the Potentials as much as most (though, I agree that if I actually had to be around them, I would hate their guts, so so much), but I agree, it would have helped if they were funnier. Like, I get that they're supposed to challenge this authority that is essentially saying they'll have to SPOILERS??? fight

I saw the movie with my dad, too. My mom was scandalized, however, when she happened to be in the room during the sex-ed episode, when the coach is just yelling out the sorts of stuff that gave this show its bad reputation, at the time.

I agree with everything you say, but especially the last point. You can tell the writers of this show are trying to be as honest as possible, instead of simply hitting particular beats. Lesser shows get more written about them around these parts. Not angry! Just noticing.

Cookie Monster, I, erm…I agree. Reading OotP, I envisioned essentially the 'action movie' of the franchise—there was a way to frame what we learned in that book into the beats of your classic James Cameron-style actioner, where there's a lot of meat, but your pushed through it into this big climax or whatever, but,

I agree about Azkaban. I mean, it got me into the franchise, so I'm soft on it, but, looking back, it's got the most distinct personality out of all of them and established the tone for the rest of the movies. It became a factory after the third one, granted, an Awesome Factory, but still a factory.

Scream 4 is by no means 'the worst' horror movie, but I have trouble seeing it as better than Scream 2, on, like, any scale. Almost every idea introduced in Scream 4 has AMAZING potential that is ultimately not lived up to (the camera headset thing is wasted, the chance to toy with the idea of who exactly the final

Um…I guess you guys aren't Harry Potter fans.

Yeah, I heard they hired Marti Noxon, so. That's cool, I guess.

I feel like most of this is for 30 Rock fans (including his agent and employers), and easy enough to ignore if you don't feel like he needs to apologize to you.

It's sort of interesting that all of his siblings sort of 'retconned' the Jackson family nose by all getting rhinoplasties.