
"Consensus" is kinda hard to prove, since this is my first time hearing this, but I feel like anybody who likes the Beatles enough to discern how they began to distance themselves from each other, knows that John isn't just some jerk who broke them up.

I'm just upset there was no mention of the Moonwalker movie (or the video game), unless I can't read either, in which case, I feel safe here.

He brought it up with Oprah but we all said he was full of shit and hated black people. Even after his death—before the autopsy—people were still doing the 'he only wanted to be white' thing, which, I'm not his therapist (did he even have one), but it could've played a part (like how his first nose job was because of

Doesn't Batman use his 'Bruce' voice in the Two-Face two-parter as well? Like, kinda letting him know he's his friend? I might be making this up.

I figure if more 'demure' gay artists want to become synonymous with the never-ending battle for equality, they should maybe start by being as vocal about it as she is. It seems kinda weird to do the whole "Stop, Gaga, you're embarrassing me!" thing. Straight-acting celebrities stay in the closet, usually until nobody

I'll be honest—I've listened to it in one sitting more than once. But, I agree there's stuff that could've been shaved off (Boppin Bitch, for example), but overall, coming from someone who has had a hard time relating to hip-hop culture, I cannot get enough of this.

He could've just went into the closet, then the kid closes the door and locks it, and is all LULZ.

Love me! I'm pathetic!…
…is the story of my life, so I'll be giving this record a spin I guess.

Relapse got a C-. I dunno. If you like Eminem, you'll like this, but it's obv not Marshall Mathers LP. It's not terrible tho.

From a screenwriting perspective, making religion come out of a need to explain the world around them—"what's the common cold?" "why can't horses talk?"—would make no sense, since they obv live in a world where these things are explained. A modern world. It's a satire of the purpose religion serves in society today—in


they could just go with d-bag. that almost sounds dirtier, though.

Argh, I know, I actually looked it up too late. Felt stupid.

Replace the A with an O in Brendon, and take off the S from Small. Now I am a credible source of opinions.

Brendan Smalls is responsible for most of what is beautiful about Home Movies (and also Metalocalypse), and I'm not sure he has anything to do with this thing.