
That was such an amazing set.

That was such an amazing set.

And So I Watch You From Afar
Their new album Gangs is so damn good, and it definitely is worthy of mentioning in conjunction with new releases from EITS since they are basically the spazzed out little brother to EITS. The first two songs in Gangs are sooooo good.

Two shots of Jameson
Donna going double barrel on those whiskey shots was priceless.

Rolling in the Deep Remix
by Jamie xx with a Childish Gambino verse is super great.

I really hope people can get past a view of pop-punk as all the late 90's/early '00 drivel that came around. There is an awesome pop-punk scene right now and Lemuria is a great example among others like The Menzingers, The Copyrights, RVIVR, Iron Chic, None More Black, Larry Arms etc.

My blankets are on the floor.
*arms crossed*

Listen to his interview with Marc Maron on the WFT Podcast. That's not Aziz.

No, Aziz is just playing his stand up persona.

Between El Chupacabra and Bobby Bottleservice Nick Kroll is one of the funniest parts of CDR

Also My Brother, My Brother and Me is by far my favorite podcast out there. It's fairly young but has several standout episodes: 26,27, and 33 are my favorite.

TalkRadar takes my vote for favorite gaming cast.

Nerdist with Billy West
This was probably one of my favorite hours of podcast all year. Seriously great, and demands a listen I say.

Best Tracks that aren't on this
Christian Dior Denim Flow

As much as I love Blame Game, I can't really stand the "Yeezy Taught Me" part

Power and Blame Game are so goddam good.

This episode just didn't do it for me. The girls plot was pretty groan inducing and I didn't like the A-plot much either. Oh well, Community made up for it.

Pretty sure it's Matt Walsh
Yep, it's Matt Walsh