
Chloroform Annie
is the best Annie.


Lizzy Caplan>Zooey Deschanel

Best Walter Line
"We all had these abilities until there was a moment in history where something was done to us and it was shut down. I suspect aliens."

Father/Son Storylines
Damn if they don't always get me. Kurt's last number coupled with the scene that followed were both very very good.

"You're right it's your life, get as many eagles as you want."

By the tragic under-use of Eva Amuri's boobs.

Solid episode, annoying damn kids
Best moment was the Britta/Jeff one where Jeff came up with the sleeping with the mom idea, followed closely by Abed's "I thought we were friends."

The Device
Anyone recall which episode that device of Walter's that came through the wall in the alt-story was from/what it does? I remember it from season 1 but can remember what it did.

I'm getting scared…
that one week soon we are just going to revert to some completely disconnect monsters of the week story.

My Theory for The End
Desmond's sacrifice is that he has to leave his current life behind as he needs to get all the 815ers to become fully existent in the Alterna-World, thus leaving The Man in Black and his destructive powers behind. This is why he doesn't hesitate going with Sayid, he needs to somehow convince

The Best.
There is nothing more to say than after 3 seasons of watching this show this was the most absolutely satisfying thing that could have possibly happened.


It's definitely not a coincidence that the next episode is titled, "Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver"

Kinda looked like a hotter, Spanish Peggy Olsen.

Patantly Unbelievable.
The two girls got arrested for weed in Berkeley? Would never happen.

"Yeah, baseball, it's amazing, but I'll tell you one thing, it's no hockey"

Seriously The Menzingers - "Hold on Dodge" is the best punk record I have heard in years and it's only 5 songs long. If you have any interest in melodic punk, LISTEN NOW.

Good to have you back Fringe.
Top notch monster of the week episode in my book.