
In shows like Curb Your Enthusiasm and Always Sunny In Philadelphia, though, you're supposed to hate the characters because they're genuinely awful people. You don't laugh at them because of their social status or race, you laugh at them because they are horrible and appropriately horrible things happen to them.

'Silhouette' in fashion refers to the shape the clothing gives the body.

That clip montage/goodbye speech was the most beautiful thing i've seen this season.

I thought Casanova's resort wear was more normal/everyday wear than resort, but it was cute and certainly didn't age the model in any way, which is what the judges usually mean when they call something old-looking.

Carol Hannah's PR blog made a good point about the whole 'construction' issue, that there are lots of working, successful designers who don't have great sewing skills - there are plenty of people who you can hire to do that.

Weirdly, I loved Michael C.'s dress, at least the non-lacy parts. I like that kind of sharp, origami-esque thing he did. I would have preferred it without the lace, but it grows on me the more I look at it, and the dress is short enough that having *nothing* on top would be a bit…vulgar.

I had to walk out of the room for a few minutes after Gretchen turned around and said the collection was terrible. Just so, so embarrassing. I have watched car wreaks with less flinching.

Tim Gunn's dressing down of Team Luxe (lol) was something else. It sounded like he was on the verge of tears, he was so upset.

i have read that Oshii novel, and it is absolutely terrible.

i would've liked the song better if most the jokes weren't ones people have been making for YEARS.

trashy talk show
i thought the talk show was more a spoof on Tyra Bank's talk show than Jerry Springer's while i was watching.

i didn't like the beginning but i was laughing at the end.

i dug the groovy boom box guy too.

my favorite KFC advert was a poster they used to have in one of their restaurants: a bunch of young people riding in a sleek red sports car with a huge bucket of chicken in the middle. nothing says 'hip' like a pile of greasy, overbattered fried bits of animal flesh!

adding 'space' to the beginning of anything is almost guaranteed lulz.

favorite part of the muppet sequences: muppet-Liz walking by in sad-muppet fashion, and then showing real life Liz walking *in the same exact way.*

everything pales after muppet-vision, i think.

i just know i'm going to be at work tomorrow, thinking about that song, and STILL laughing about it. everyone will think i'm crazy.

Mausoleum worthy
i didn't know Roland Burris had a mausoleum, but learning about it through an ANTM recap is undeniably, awesomely fitting.

is his name really spelled Bobb'e?