
i LOVED that. that they paused long enough to let you realize they weren't going to be doing actual flashbacks, and just showed Liz and Jack *thinking* about them, was great.

Tracy and Tracy Jr.
"I was just thinking about how weird it is that we eat birds."

i dvr the show, read the recap before i watch the episode so i can skip to the fun bits. 'our stock markets are down!' is hilarious, but not worth watching the whooole episode for.

angel food + apple pie filling doesn't sound bad but…
i thought the cake was just mildly gross, but not terrible - until she started adding the acorns. how can bitter, kidney-destroying nuts possibly make a cake better? i could sort of understand if she just put them around the cake for decoration, but she puts them

one of my favorite blogs is where one guy watches SbtB while eating lunch and writes down the best quotes from the episode.

i can't tell if you're kidding or not.

@Devil Flanders: i liked how all the pictures they used were sort of blurry and washed out, just like every health pamphlet that hasn't been updated for like, a decade or more.

yeah, there are definitely times when bleeped out swearing can be funny - but it's usually because you don't see it coming. once Tracy found out he could swear as much as he wanted, excessive bleeping-out was sort of…obvious.

i'm pretty sure i would love a sketch about a bear and robot talk show.

Not Janis Joplin
fake janis joplin song = best bit of the night

wasn't this shown at TIFF last year? or some other big festival - i remember hearing about it awhile ago, and then i forgot about it.

i'm sure you mean well and all, but you know how many sketch comedy groups i've heard described as 'Kids in the Hall-esque' only to be MISERABLY DISAPPOINTED?

i thought the rock concert episode was the worst one of the entire series…

surprised no one has mentioned this yet
favorite line of the ep:

in the NYT review for this movie, i guess in the Carax segment there's some stuff about the way Japan pretty much denies most of its WWII crimes and is maybe part of the reason the dude goes all godzilla-terrorist.

i would but i only have a 360. :(

Diane Rehm is the best 2 hours on radio anywhere.


i think he might be my favorite character on the show.

that…that just makes me sadder. how can you mess up a spinning bird kick?