
These screenshots are so sweet I think I just contracted diabetes :<

i'm super late to this thread but: Amaterasu/Phoenix/Chris

I got a job in my chosen field (elderly heath care) but then i was laid off by the state because no one wanted to pay us.

@Aurora your vision of the future made me want to die for a little bit. I think I'm over it now though.

@Casual yeah, that's the one. It kind of looked like she was trying to make a 'sexy' version of the velvet eyeshadow dress she made, but it was just shorter and pumkin-colored and….yuck.

The way the judges talk, it sounds like they don't like or understand Gretchen's stuff at all, but they are convinced there is some theoretical customer base that responds to her aesthetic, and that they have to please.

boring granola
what the hell was Gretchen wearing during the runway show? It was…unfortunate. And uncomfortably short.

nobody's mentioned…
Michael C. talking about what he'd do to his model?

If you look at the designer's resumes, there's a definite "Formally schooled vs. self-taught/informally taught" vibe to the bullying this season. The harping on construction and craftsmanship makes a lot more sense when you consider that a guy who has difficulties with certain sewing techniques or fabrics has, and

"the content of the show barely even matters: it's an ensemble show about people who love their job doing it as good as they fucking can. Who gives a shit if it's funny?"

god but most of the patterns and outfits on the runway this ep. were so boring. really underscores how low the talent level is this season. These 'make whatever you want' challenges should lead to stuff that's either transcendent or a train wreck, but for the most part, it was a sea of mediocre.

i like how for every other dress, the positive comments came from different designers, but Gretchen was the only one who could praise her garment.

anybody else amused that Heidi, of all people, was the one who said a dress should show off boobs or legs, but not both?

i like how she made a token mention of student loans just before the pony comment too.

oh look! it's the 'it's only offensive if you're LOOKING to be offended!' *and* the 'some of my best friends are [INSERT ETHNICITY HERE]!' arguments! in the same post, even!

You know, as terrible as that Magical Puppy book looks now, I would have loved to read it as a kid. Same with the fantasy owl books.


i wouldn't mind an electronic book reader because the local library keeps touting its selection of ebooks, and i'd jump at the chance to avoid the crazy homeless guy who spits and yells at everyone who enters the library.

taylor swift
i hadn't heard this song, so i looked up the lyrics.