cognitive d

We should all be patient; after all, film adaptations, even King's, often take LONGER THAN YOU THINK, DAD!!

But John Spencer was the best part of that show!

I'm still trying to figure out from the photo what Ewan McGregor's role is…

[looks at headline]
[Clicks on article, sees it's not Colin Baker]

I'LL decide what's necessary, thank you very much, Mr. Writer-Guy! Now, do you think this will pair well with Spaghetti-Os out the can and sobbing?

Whenever I read an article like this, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' "The Weeping Song" immediately pops into my head. At least it's an awesome song…

My avatar's going "WOOOO!"…oh wait, no, that's just the sound of air escaping from the fat folds…

I'd watch a Kaboom! movie.

Dolby also a professor of the arts now at Johns Hopkins and resides in Baltimore, seems like a super cool guy. And add me to the growing list here who just loves Golden Age, no matter what the version…

I, for some reason, also get annoyed when the term one-hit wonder is thrown around and have had outbursts like "'Vienna Calling' hit number 36 for Falco as well and THAT COUNTS!"

Yeah, the ending was a little bit bullshit but honestly, after the way the movie put me through the ringer, I didn't care. I felt I earned the goddamn happy ending…

I saw this at the Virginia Film Festival last year and I thought it was incredible; the film does a great job keeping up the tension and dread once the earthquake hits. As a side note, I loved the scenic shots of Norway, though thanks to the movie, I will never go there out of tsunami fear…

Damn, I miss arcades…

Hey, Christensen's not that bad an actor with the right script!

Surely you Jost!

Yeah, by the time Bruce Willis slammed a jeep into the henchwoman, then drove her through a concrete wall, and THEN had the kung-fu fight with her in the elevator shaft, you either enjoy the silliness of it all or don't…

Can we have his liver then?

At least the song is used well in MacGruber. I won't go so far as to say that justifies its existence, but some good came from it…

My love of Norm is battling with my hatred of searing stomach agonies not unlike those suffered by Noomi Rapace's character in Prometheus…

Those who doubt me cock suck by choice!