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Actually, given the bewildering joy the Republicans seemed to have at the thought of denying millions healthcare, I'm pretty sure Hatch meant it the way we thought he meant it, despite his protests…

If the goal is simply to "get through" an album, try The Frenz Experiment; it's relatively low-key and poppy, and the longer songs (Athlete Cured and Oswald Defence Lawyer) are at least humorous…

Saw Black Francis/Frank Black five times: twice with the Pixies, twice with the Catholics, and once with the guy he did a split album with (name escapes me right now)…

I thought Sub-Lingual Tablet was one of the best 21st century Fall albums because they expanded their sonic palette a bit beyond the sound they've basically been trucking along with since Fall Heads Roll (and Auto-Chip is arguably their best song from the last five albums). Still keeping my expectations low for New

I have their Greatest Hits album (only available in Europe, natch); 24-odd songs and about eighteen of them are actually pretty great. They do a great cover of the Everly Brothers' "Crying in the Rain"…

The best part of clicking on a Nic Cage article in Newswire is trying to guess what pic they'll use…

Carrey's beard looks like the one women had to wear in Biblical times to attend a stoning…

No love for Timothy Dalton? I'll vote for Licence to Kill…

I fondly remember the old Odd Couple ep where Bobby Riggs guest stars and through various cons wins Oscar's apartment and Felix as a servant, culminating in a classic ping-pong match…

I always felt that the "chance" was already given to Trump by Obama, as he left him with low unemployment and uninsured rates as well as historic treaties with Iran and Cuba. When Trump complained within two weeks that "he inherited a mess" you had to wonder what metrics he was using compared to eight years ago.

My spouse wanted to try it at a cafe and the attendant talked her out of it; said it was more of a "dare" than a meal. The hot dogs are perfectly cromulent, tho…

Does the script navigate both boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb?

RIP; may your heaven have the cleanest, comfiest couches…

This was my favorite episode of the season, and a large part of that was Bud's episode-long slow burn to all the crazy surrounding him, culminating in his zingers against Coyote's flakiness and Frankie's manipulation, and his victory drive home to get his swerve on…

My dim memories of this all involve lines from Cliff's sidekick…

To this day, I still hate that Tara was killed…

It WAS awesome when Cage yelled "I need some new jack sailors to take out these new jack sharks!"

The most entertaining thing Bay's ever done is still that "Got Milk" commercial with the guy who can't say "Aaron Burr"…

I get all of my frozen pizza info from Leonard's Youtube channel…

I'd give the game a B; it's certainly wearing out its welcome more quickly than the first. And maybe it's just me, but playing it on the PS4 controller feels more frustrating than it needs to be…