George Furst

Quest 64 was terrible, Nintendo fucked up losing Squaresoft

That's the thing for me, AD still makes jokes. FG's shock humor just gets old.

The one I saw was: "Peter fills Lois' dad with holiday spirit; Stewie tries to get the only thing he wants for Christmas."
The Stewie bit is what gave it away for me. It doesn't matter though, I wish Fox would just start playing AD or Bob's Burger's reruns in Family Guy's place.

I totally didn't expect to see Brian alive at the end of the episode because it totally wasn't obvious and the synopsis for the episode totally did not broadcast the "twist" a mile away.

saved by the bell gave me many lesions.

RIP twogreattastes's anus


Where I'm from Prairie Fire are pretty popular, which is a shot of tequila with a dash of tabasco sauce. it burns but it's not bad

Probably generous use of stunt cocks too

I really loved Bob singing You Oughta Know

So this was a new episode right? Because it seemed like I'd seen some of the jokes before, word for word. About half way in I thought it was an rerun of an episode I'd only seen part of previously.


Steve Little post chin job looks exactly like Jay Leno.

When will the Plinkett review be released?

Because of cognitive dissonance.

I didn't know he actually did anything other than have a show on Sunday night on 96.5. I can't remember what they played, local bands maybe?

You said "Maybe she wanted it" multiple times.

#3 is illegal in the US, which leads to #1.

:Yeah, I fully admit that I down voted a bunch of that dude's shit because of all the pedosplaining going on

You can, but why would you?