Considering how great the Colbert Report was…I don't think he can fuck it up. He's a pretty great interviewer IMO.
Considering how great the Colbert Report was…I don't think he can fuck it up. He's a pretty great interviewer IMO.
It is sad though, that this might be the last we'll see of them. I'm still holding out hope for another movie or something.
I also liked this episode. Much better than the FG crossover ep. I think this season of the Sampsons has been pretty decent.
If Bender is asleep for 1000 years, how is he in any episode that takes place before 3014?
I went to high school with Darren Sproles. It's definitely weird to see a guy I had Spanish class with on The League. I know, it's a cool story.
Hey at least Roger made an appearance. that was nice.
**casts Milf's Flaming Bag of Poo**
I had always thought Tanis was a ranger and not a fighter. Caramon was the fighter
Watching Lost and then reading the reviews and comment sections on here is something I'm strangely nostalgic about. Shit I think I even had a firsty on one review
Yeah I was waiting for the mountain to start spewing blood from every orifice. It's going to happen it's just a matter of win. No way that the poisons dude was just like "lol oops i forgets the poinsons lololol fuck now i'm daid" the mountain isn't going to shit right for a week
That a society based on Social Darwinism is completely untenable. And ends up looking like Westeros. They spend all this time fighting amongs themselves that external, existential threats like zombies and dragons come along and fuck up erryone's shit.
Yeah, wouldn't she know about the existence of her cousin? As far as she knows even if her aunt is dead, her cousin who know runs the place is still alive. Might as well stop in for a visit.
I'm hoping that what happens is that the scene that opens the next episode is that Tywin and Cersei and well…fuck it…Jaime too all die of the same poison Joffrey did and then everyone is like "oh…well I guess Tyrion didn't do it".
The MRA "movement" is solely regressive anti-feminism. Once MRAs start actually giving a shit about say.. gay men or trans men, then I'll give them a shred of credibility.
God got His Engineering degree at the University of Pheonix
So do people actually like this show anymore? Or does it just get ratings because it's on between better shows and Seth McFarland has dirt on people?
I think you mean Subaru
Honestly though her being overweight really seems to be the primary reason people hate her so much. It's kind of pathetic.
I'm kind of a dum-dum so I missed the foreshadowing (although obviously whatever he was scheming was going to work it's too early in the season for him to fail at anything), I laughed at the obvious product placement. There's a lot of shit about this show that just seems like it's just cynical pandering/marketing. …
He's still around. I actually met the dude last summer when he was filming in a small town in central KS.. Would you be shocked to find out that the show is a fake and that everything is prearranged? No, you probably wouldn't be shocked.