Magnet Man

I've always liked Jay Riemenschneider, Kramer's friend who gets horse meat from his butcher.

I liked the rhyme of tchotchke and Mazeroski.

Agreed, and I also loved Kramer's line of advice to Elaine when trying to convince her that she should do it: "It's easy.  Just…do it quickly."

I loved Robert Wagner's little "Hey Kramer" at the wedding.  The way he delivered it was as if he could barely tolerate Kramer and was hilarious.

I am hoping that the no grades rule gets thrown out the week he reviews Move Along Home just so it can get an F.

I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and it was big news when Val Kilmer was in town filming that crapfest.  GR has a bit of an inferiority complex, you see.

Now you know that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.

Roman numerals? They never even tried to teach us that in school.

I was disappointed that they never actually got a puzzle.  Why are they so against the puzzles?  I guess we'll never know.

Baby croaked.

Mr. Ed was a racist.

Kurt Russell, please.

No, the answer is Ray Bradbury. It's always Ray Bradbury.

President Kennedy shooting zombies?

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
has an awesome soundtrack. The main theme, the music during the three way duel, and especially The Ecstasy of Gold are among the greatest pieces of music ever written for any movie.

Remember Gunsmoke for the NES? That game was awesome. My favorite level was when you marched into an Indian village and single-handedly slaughtered hundreds of Indians.

On my family's trip to Disney World when I was a kid…
I hated the Tiki Room. It was boring.

Scott is right that NASCAR did try to link its prejudices about HIV/AIDS to the culture at the time. The only guy in the documentary to use the word regret was Kyle Petty, who said he regretted the way Richmond was treated, and also, quite rightly, admitted that it was based on ignorance.

And on the short tracks and road courses, there is constant shifting. Can you imagine the concentration needed to upshift, downshift, upshift, downshift, for 500 laps, where one mistake could lead to a wreck? It's more mental than physical, but I can't imagine that too many people could pull that off.

I agree. After all, Leonard Nimoy is excellent, and salsa is excellent, so combined they would form an unstoppable force of excellence.