Magnet Man

I loved his line, after Erin had her freak out, "I should probably do something about that, but I think my time is better spent on the cookie monster issue."

You know what Kramer vs. Kramer was missing? Arm wrestling!

Ray Lewis is not a "stab-happy defensive lineman" and it's irresponsible of you to spread that incorrect information. He is a stab-happy linebacker.

Leonard mentioned what I believe is one of the more amazing things about this story in that Ali had one more fight after this one. After how bad he was here, it's almost unbelievable that he would choose to fight again. Maybe he resolved to redeem himself and not go out looking so bad. Too bad that didn't happen,

I totally have this ornament. It's quite awesome. I also have a talking shuttlecraft where Spock wishes you a happy holiday.

As we celebrate mediocrity all the boys upstairs want to see
How much you'll pay for what you used to get for free

Commitment to yor job.
Well done Modell. Watching At the Movies usually requires one to stay up until 1:30 in the morning on a Saturday/Sunday night and tuning into the worst local broadcast channel. I appreciate your commitment.

NES game
My college roommate and I were having a discussion about the hardest video game we ever played. I argued for Ghosts and Goblins, while he said there was an NES game based on The Last Starfighter that was harder. I have never played the game. Has anyone here played it, and if so, is it harder than Ghosts

New Car!
A girl I used to work with was dating a guy who was on Price is Right and won a new car. Because of all the paperwork and red tape, it took about eight months for him to get the car. Then like two weeks after finally getting the car, he totaled it.

Missing Something
No mention of John Larroquette as one of the Klingons in Search for Spock?

I haven't read through the comments to see if this has been mentioned yet, but this is an easy question for me. Rocky IV.

Soft on crime
This punk gets no jail time for beating the shit out of his girlfriend, and Donte Stallworth gets 30 days in jail for KILLING a person while drunk driving. My cousin was in jail for 30 days for a bar fight, and this Stallworth fuck gets the same for drunken vehicular manslaughter. May God damn this

I don't so much "fight fire" as I "fight in places where there are fires."

I just think that he's so annoying, it's irresistable. He's a complete extremist (like ZMF). No sane person would ever write those things, so he's either faking for entertainment's sake or he's insane (again, like ZMF). And that's entertaining.

Is anyone else growing to appreciate Tarkovskys former AD? It's sort of like when ZMF started posting here, everybody hated him, but he was so persistent and consistent that he formed a following. Could the same thing happen here?

The record score is 1,050,200.

I agree that this is the best Random Roles yet, with Margot Kidder a close second. My favorite line is:

Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School
Gorilla, You're a Desperado
Something Bad Happened to a Clown

Taft, really?

I can't believe that no one has mentioned the terrible "Masks" from TNG. They really let Brent Spiner do some ACTING! on this one, and the result was just awful.