
There were a bunch of actors and actresses that played two different parts on the show. Often they'd show up as a minor background character first, and then get promoted to a larger speaking role later. You could almost make a GG drinking game out of spot the the double casting.

Good job! Please write more GG episode reviews in the future.

Whenever I watch that scene I can't help but wonder how much of Rory's choice of Yale over Harvard was merely based on wanting to stay as physically close to Jess as possible. Did Rory throw Harvard away over Jess?

Ugh, Tobin was the most annoying and unnecessary character in the show's entire 7 year run. I'm so glad he only appears in 3 or 4 episodes.

Exactly. Rory would be the first one to tell you that Rory's choices are Rory's responsibility. In fact, Rory makes that point both after Jess wrecks her car and after the boat thing in season 5.

I couldn't agree more. The show dropped the ball big time by not giving at least one really major solid reason why Rory would switch her college choice. Harvard isn't that far from Stars Hollow that the show couldn't still have had plenty of Rory back in Star's Hollow scenes and episodes.

Almost Famous is decent, but overrated. The 2 hour theatrical cut is a good 30 minutes too long for its thin as paper plot. I can only imagine how plodding the 2 hour and 40 minute bootleg cut must be.

Eclectic - given that Sims is a self admitted Jess fan I expect he won't be too keen on Logan, just as he wasn't on Dean.  But we'll see.

Great scene.  Poor Lindsay tries so hard with Dean and still ends up with the short end of the stick.  And she looked smokin in the white Marilyn Monroe dress she was wearing during that dinner, too!  So sad.  Dean you're an idiot.

Oh yes, and Dave with, "Is ab-a-death even a word?"

Eclectic is right.  I just checked the DVDs and re-watched the first three episodes of Season 2.  My memory was faulty on this.  Luke was gruff but not slimy.  And he does apologize to Lorelai for everything he said.  I retract what I said about Luke.  Mea culpa.  My bad.

Son of a gun, you are right Eclectic.  I pulled out the DVDs and checked.  That conversation between Lorelai and Luke actually took place two full episodes before Lorelai decided to run off.  I can't believe I mis-remembered it so badly. Thanks for correcting me.  I retract what I said about Luke.

Devonshyr - no one is arguing that Lorelai couldn't or shouldn't have broken off the wedding, it is the manner in which she did it that is being taken exception to.  Lorelai didn't even try and let Max down easy, she just ran off and told everyone else except him, instead.  Later on Lorelai even admits to Max that she

Mytly - There is an entire Season 1 episode called "Rory's Dance" that shows otherwise.

I love all the reaction shots of Trix's old lady friends reacting to Emily blurting that line out!

Yes, all intentional.  Luke was trying a last desperate attempt to get Lorelai to call off the wedding.  He played her emotions perfectly with all those questions and it worked.  Re-watch the scene sometime and notice the huge self-satisfied grin on Luke's face as flustered Lorelai stumbles off to call Max in a panic.

I'm not sure Lorelai's reaction was so much as straight anti-sex as it was anti-her-only-daughter having sex with either of those two particular guys.  There's a big difference.

Jess was always a jerk in Seasons 2 - 4.  Get over it, Sims.

An assist of blame also has to go to Luke on breaking up Lorelai and Max's wedding, as he was the person who intentionally freaked Loreai just before the big day.  An incredibly slimy move all around.

You're making a gross understatement.  Lorelai ran out on Max three days before the wedding; after the town wedding shower, after the bachelor/bachelorette parties.  That is about as horrible as you can treat someone sans physical violence.