
Thanks for pointing me towards "Pretty in Pink". Despite being old enough to have been in high school when the movie was first released, I had somehow never managed to see it. The sole John Hughes film I'd never seen, actually. Streamed it off of Netflix last night, and it was as good as its reputation.

"That's our Bat Mitzvah girl, Julia Lamon's, favorite song in the world. And I can see why - because it's full of strong female attitude, which I dig. And let me tell you Julia, guys are turned on by that. Don't think they aren't. They like girls with legs and brains, like… smart biker chicks, you know."

Thanks for the link! I tend to forget that just about everything is available on YouTube now.

Oh yeah, Lane's big brown bag of prom pictures never made a lot of sense to me, either. The photos weren't even in the envelopes you get them back in from the developer. I think the gag there was supposed to be that Lane had taken so many shots of her dream prom that the only way she could carry them all around was in

There are a number of factors why the series dropped off after season three. With regards to what you are discussing here, the issue isn't so much about the type of stories the later seasons chose to portray as it is about the manner in which the show chose to portray them. All of the plot and character developments

Actually WB had a pretty good lineup of shows circa 2003 - Gilmore Girls, Charmed, Dawson's Creek, Everwood, One Tree Hill, 7th Heaven, etc. - which makes the attempt for a quick Gilmore Girls spin-off all the more baffling.

There are many words both good and bad that one could use to describe season 4, but consistant isn't one of them. That season was all over the place in terms of tone, style, pace, etc. Understandably, as ASP was basically throwing darts at a board trying to see what would stick and what wouldn't. But it's also one

Maybe it comes down to one's taste in comedy. I find that scene dreadfully boring and pointless. Even Rory and Lorelai themselves are bored during it. Similarly, the whole being prisoners forced to watch ballroom dancing videos at Emily and Richard's house plot in the season 4 opener is of a watching paint dry

In the same vein, there is a deleted scene for the graduation episode that includes a frustrated Louise complaining to Madeline about how her father has shown up for the ceremony with every woman he has ever been married to. When Madeline asks which one is Louise's real mom, Louise has trouble coming up with an

The design on Jimmy and Sasha's home is excellent. I especially like the moment of transistion when Jess turns from the clowns in the livingroom to Jimmy's study with its massive shelves of old LP's and books.

Someone actually down-voted Gilmore's in Color? You Philistine!

Oh wow, I never noticed that even some of the dogs' names were Lord of the Rings characters. How many times in Season 3 and 4 did Gilmore Girls promote those movies? Last week at the party Kyle and his friends were talking about a scene from The Two Towers. This week there are dog names. Season 4 has an episode

Oh dear, oh my, what will Sims ever have to write about every week now that Jess is gone from the show?

Sad to see Season 3 finish, as this marks the end of the golden era of the Gilmore Girls show. It is never quite this good again, as lighthearted whimsy steadily gives way to soap opera garishness.

I have to admit to always really, really, REALLY enjoying Jess’s complete crash and burn during these last couple episodes of season 3. For two years the guy was a prick and a jerk to everyone and everything on the show, and the bill for it finally came due in full. He isn’t allowed to attend the prom, he flunks out

Has anyone else watched the bonus scene for the last episode included with the Season 3 DVD set? The one where Lorelai and Rory visit the Independence Inn one last time after it is closed and are sadly reminiscing about losing it? I always thought that was both a wonderful moment for the two of them, as well as a

I’m probably in the minority here, but I thought even though Rob Estes may not look remotely like he could have been Jess’s father, he nonetheless found a marvelous personality for Jimmy. Rob’s cluelessness was a hilarious match and foil for Milo’s standoffishness. I could have watched the two of them banter back

There are two behind-the-scenes issues with the ill-fated “Windward Circle” spin-off that never made much sense to me:

I’d always wondered what that song was that Brad sings during graduation. I just looked up the lyrics and the rest is even sappier than the lines that appear in the episode. Egad!

The fourth season was good and had its share of memorable moments, but it was so uneven feeling as it fished around for new hooks to keep the audience interested. Seasons 1 thru 3 were better.